What bone makes up the thigh?
What are the hip flexor muscles? (5)
Psoas, Iliacus, Rectus Femoris, Pectineus, Sartorius
MOI - trauma
S/S - deformity, no weight bearing, swelling, positive Fulcrum test
Tx - EMS, surgery, physical therapy
Femoral Fracture
Quad or Iliopsoas tightness
Thomas Test
What sport causes the most injuries?
What type of joint is the hip?
Ball and Socket
What are the hip extensor muscles? (2)
Gluteus Maximus, Hamstrings
MOI - calcium deposit in muscle
S/S - hard/painful area, lump under skin, warm to touch
Tx - RICE, NSAIDS, gentle exercise
Myositis Ossificans
Hamstring Tightness
90-90 straight leg raise
MOI - blunt trauma to side of hip
S/S - pain in lateral hip, limp, swelling, inflammation
Tx - RICE, NSAIDS, Analgesics, ROM exercises, Corticosteroid injections
Trocanteric Bursitis
What bones make up the pelvis?
Ilium, Ischium, Pubis
What are the hip ADDuctor muscles? (5)
Pectineus, Adductor longus, Adductor brevis, Adductor magnus, Gracilis
MOI - overuse
S/S - spasms, pain, swelling, limping
Tx - RICE, reduced ROM, specific therapy
Possible hip or sacral joint pain
What muscles make up the Hamstrings?
Semitendinosus, Semimembranosus, Biceps Femoris
What vertebrae make up the tailbone?
Sacrum, Coccyx
What are the hip internal rotator muscles? (3)
Gluteus medius, Gluteus maximus, Gluteus minimus
MOI - Direct hit to hip
S/S - swelling, bruising, pain, tenderness
Iliac Crest Contusion
Hip Pointer
Hip Labral tear
Hip Scouring
MOI - high-impact trauma
S/S - pain, no movement, deformity, numbness, tingling, ecchymosis, swelling
Tx - EMS, immobilize, rapid reduction, possible surgery
Hip Dislocation
What is the Acetabulum?
Cartilage cushion w/in hip socket
What are the hip external rotator muscles? (3)
Gluteus medius, Gluteus maximus, Piriformis
MOI - hyper movement of hip
S/S - pain, positive Hip Scouring test
Tx - RICE, NSAIDS, cortisone injections, physical therapy
Hip Labral Tear
What muscles make up the Quadriceps?
Rectus femoris, Vastus lateralis, Vastus intermedius, Vastus medialis