The United States and World War I
The United States and World War I (Continued)
Business Culture, The Roaring 20s, and the Great Depression
Business Culture, The Roaring 20s, and the Great Depression (Continued)
The New Deal 1932-1940

- Theodore Roosevelt’s (President from 1901-1909) actions in Panama anticipated a full-fledged implementation of a principle

- This principle provided the United States the right to “exercise as an international police force when necessary” in the Western Hemisphere.

- This means that the United States could intervene as a last resort to ensure that other nations in the Western hemisphere fulfill any obligations or contracts they may have with international investors, contractors, or creditors.

What is The Roosevelt Corollary?


Some key principles were:

• Self determination for all people.

• Freedom of the seas.

• Free trade.

• Open Diplomacy.

• An end to secret treaties.

• Giving colonized people equal weight in decision making regarding their futures.

• The general association of nations to preserve the peace.

• The Fourteen Points would be established as the agenda for the peace conference following the end of the war.

What is Woodrow Wilson's 14 Points?


Prohibited the manufacturing or sale of intoxicating liquors.

What is Prohibition/18Th Amendment?


The 1920's took a step back from Woodrow Wilson's idea of internationalism. Americans were more in favor of increasing exports and overseas investment opportunities.

This became known as _____ and was a reaction to former President Wilson's disappointing results of military and diplomatic pursuits of international freedom and democracy. 

What is The United States and Economic Isolationism?


A. This act prohibited commercial banks from becoming involved in buying and selling stocks.

B. This Administration worked with groups of business leaders to establish industry codes that set standards for output, prices, and working conditions.

A. What is The Glass-Steagall Act?

B. What is the National Recovery Administration (NRA)?


This theory on foreign policy was that economic investment and loans from American banks, rather than direct military intervention, was the best and most appealing way to spread American influence in the Western hemisphere.

What is Dollar Diplomacy?


This vision of Wilson would also lead to the establishment of ________

- This would serve as a type of global regulatory commission to help maintain global harmony.

- The main goal of the League of Nations was to establish international cooperation to achieve international peace and security.

What is The League of Nations?


Granted women the right to vote

What is the 19th Amendment?


An organization that lobbied for personal liberty and laws that prohibited discrimination against immigrant Americans by employers, universities, and government agencies.

What is the Anti-Defamation League?


Its purpose was to build public facilities such as?

• Roads

• Schools

• Hospitals

• Interstate Highways

What is The Public Works Administration (PWA)?


In May of 1915, a German U-boat sunk a British ocean liner that caused the death of 1,198 civilian passengers and 124 of whom were American citizens.

What is the ship the Lusitania?


1919 treaty where Germany and the other Central Powers were forced to take responsibility for what was now known as “The Great War”.

Conditions within the treaty included mandatory reduction of military forces and production, loss of territories, and paying war reparations to the allies.

What is The Treaty of Versailles?


Thousands of families were evicted from their homes and took to parks and abandoned lands to set up what became known as _____

These were “towns” created by now homeless Americans creating shelter and living spaces out of materials they could find such as spare wood or metal and turn them into makeshift homes.

What are Hoovervilles?


Some corporations implemented new styles of management. They provided private pensions, medical insurance, job security, and more workplace safety.

What is Welfare Capitalism?


This authorized the Federal Government to set production quotas for major crops and pay farmers to plant less to raise farm prices.

The AAA did succeed in raising the prices on farmers products which in turn raised the income of the people owning and operating those farms.

What is the Agriculture Adjustment Act (AAA)?


In March of 1917, British spies then intercepted and publicized a message from German secretary _____ which called on Mexico to align with Germany in a coming war with the United States and in return would help them recover the land they lost in the Mexican – American War.

What is important about Arthur Zimmerman and Mexico?


A progressive who believed that investigation, exposure, and education would lead to solutions for social problems.

He understood there would be a need for political action to gain any progress. So in 1905 he gathered several different African American leaders at Niagara Falls.

Who is W.E.B DuBois?


October of 1929 stock market crash

What was Black Tuesday?


The vast American consumer marketplace publicized and liberated young women during the 1920s.

This is when what type of women were becoming more and more prevalent?

These women would typically have bobbed hair and skirts, drinking alcohol, smoking in public and overall expressing their own personalities.

What are Flapper Girls?


A. The repeal of Prohibition

B. An act that provided necessary aid to banks and institutions on the verge of bankruptcy and closing down.

A. 21st Amendment

B. What is the Emergency Banking Act?


The alliance formed between the United Kingdom, France, and Russia.

What is the Triple Entente?


Woodrow Wilsons rhetoric for Self-Determination spread across the world following the war.

This ideology was especially prevalent in colonies of various empires seeking independence.

Many of these colonies were amongst the future countries born out of the destruction of the Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian Empires.

Existing Empires (Such as the British and French) had zero intention of applying this idea of self-determination to their own colonies.

This nationalism and quest for independence was prevalent in areas such as the Ottoman Empire during the war and the British used it as a tool to fight against the Ottomans

What is The Wilsonian Movement?


He made the first nonstop trans-Atlantic Flight. 

Who is Charles Lindbergh?


Introduced the term Illegal Alien for the first time and with it brought the introduction of border patrols on America’s Northern and Southern borders.

What is the Immigration Law of 1924?


A. Workers demands increased to more than just higher wages, causing this group to form. The group aimed to unite workers within the same industry, rather than separating them based on their skills. 

B. Workers would not walk out. Instead, they would remain at their stations and stop production

C. A system of income assistance, health coverage, and social services for all citizens.

A. What is Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO)?

B. What are Sit Down Strikes?

C. What is a Welfare State?
