Chp. 27
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Chp. 29
How would you explain the Cold War?
What is extreme ideological tensions between communist USSR and the capitalist west fought with propaganda, internal subversion, and the threat of atomic war. Increased American involvement in areas of the world outside of their traditional sphere of influence.
Who was Joesph McCarthy? What is he know for?
Who was a republican senator who led the anti-communist hysteria of the early 1950s. He made many claims and accusations against people without backing them up with hard evidence. He ruined many careers from Washington to Hollywood.
The major medical innovation introduced by Dr. Salk
What was the polio vaccination
Name 2 major watershed events that took place during John F. Kennedy's short presidency:
What were the March on Washington and the Cuban Missile Crisis
What was considered one of the greatest failures of the Kennedy administration?
What was the Bay of Pigs
Explain the idea of Containment?
What is stop the spread of communism to stop the power and influence of the USSR.
What was the communist bloc?
What were the nations that became communist during and after WWII. They initially acted as a buffer zone between the USSR and Western Europe. Communism then spread into Asia.
What was the Apollo mission? Why is it significant to the Cold War era?
It was the mission that landed a man on the moon. It was the first time America surpassed Russia in the space race.
Name 2 Great Society programs:
What are medicaid, medicare, affirmative action, community action
How did Kennedy avoid nuclear disaster during the Cuban Missile Crisis?
Kennedy agreed to not invade Cuba AND he removed the nuclear warheads the US had in Turkey.
Name 3 manifestations of the communist "threat"
What were Korean War, creation of the People's Republic of China, Vietnam War, the Cuban Missile Crisis
The Russian Premier during the height of the Cold War
Who was Nikita Khrushchev
Name the 3 stages of the Civil Rights Movement
What are: 1. End segregation 2. Voting rights 3. Split between traditional (non violent and interracial) and radical (race exclusive and militant) strategies
What is the significance of Dien Bien Phu?
This ended the 1st Indochina War, expelling the French from Vietnam for good. Although the US did not intervene militarily during this war they would take a significant role in the future of Vietnam by actively supporting the pro-western government in the South
Name the two new military alliances to emerge after WWII:
What are NATO and the Warsaw Pact
What happened at the Potsdam conference in 1945?
What was Truman told Stalin about America's atomic tech, Germany was divided between France, Great Britain, US, and Russia (disagreements about reparations), US issued unconditional ultimatum to Japan to surrender
What happened in Budapest in 1956?
The was a democratic revolt against the communist government. It was promptly crushed by Soviet troops.
What happened in Selma, Alabama in 1965 and what change did it bring about?
What were the marches from Selma to Montgomery to protest for African American voting rights. 3 marches, the first was stopped and met with intense violence (which was televised for the nation to see). By the third march Martin Luther King Jr led the successful group to Montgomery which encouraged president Johnson to pass the Voting Act
What US presidents were involved in Vietnam?
Who were Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford
What happened at Panmunjom?
What was the final truce between North and South Korea to end the Korean War. Korea was officially split at the 38th parallel leaving North Korea with a communist government and South Korea with a pro-western government
Name the 5 nations that had permanent veto power in the United Nations
Who were China, US, France, Great Britain, Russia
Who was John Dulles and what was his Cold War strategy?
John Dulles was Eisenhower's Secretary of State. He used the method of "massive retaliation" to push Soviets to brink or war to gain concessions
What did the Voting Act do?
What is gave federal protection to African American's exercising their right to vote
Why was America unable to bring about a decisive victory in Vietnam?
Cultural gaps Difficulty responding to guerrilla warfare President(s) unwilling to provide enough military support to turn the tide (worried about involving China and the USSR) Strong popular disapproval of the war at home (televised brutality and unconvincing reasoning for being there)