Who won house shout in 2023-2024
Who always asks us to say goodmorning sir
Mr gorun hird
What the headmasters full name
James Murphy o connor
What time does skl start
What time does skl end
which teacher teaches music and is in suriyothai
Mr k.s
Which teacher teaches dt and geography
Ms Johnson
Who is jack sonakuls dad
Mr Herbert
Who is kru Jane’s daughter
Cupcake b7
Which teacher teaches drama and library
Mr Chadwick
Which teacher made students cry in music
hint alr left
Ms morris
What room is M030
Detention room
what day do we get Thai snacks
Which day do we get fish & chips
Which days can suriyothai go to the sports hall
Tuesdays & Fridays
Which teacher became a head of house in Nehru but was in Keller before
Mr morgans
Which English teacher has a daughter and always gives our test back 2 months after
Ms Maloney
Which ict teacher left in 2024 and was in Nehru
Mr Howe
what does Ms smith teach
Math (both smith)
Who won sports day 2023-2024
Which teacher is in Keller and always yaps abt her boyfriend
hint: she left
Ms Blairs
Which house got 3rd . House dance in 2023-2024
Who was head girl in 2023-2024
Who was head boy in 2023-2024
Which teacher used to teach in seven oaks uk
hint pe teacher
Mr shufflebotham