Historical Events
Mental Health Issues/Concerns
Practical Application
The traditional structure that grants the father or oldest male relative the greatest power, whereas women are expected to show submission.
What is patriarchal
Mexico and the United States went to war with one another in what year.
What is 1846
What are some mental health disorders among Latinos
What is generalized anxiety disorders, major depression, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and alcoholism
What is an intervention that means to understand
What is Simpatia
It takes how many years to develop language proficiency
What is 6 to 7 years
People who identify their origin as Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino may be of any race
What is race
The first Supreme Court case briefed and argued by Mexican American attorneys.
What is Hernandez v. The State of Texas
What are some mental health issues that Latino immigrants experiences
What is Psychological distress, cultural shock, marginal and social alienation, PTSD, Psychosomatic systems and depression
intervention that focuses on expressing feeling and emotion without being judged.
What is free expression
how many levels of cultural integration are necessary in Latina/o counseling:
What is three basic levels
Hispanics come from a ______ _______ where group activities are dominant, responsibility is shared, and accountability is collective.
What is collectivist culture
Program brought Mexican laborers into the country to replace the American men who were fighting overseas during WW2.
What is The Bracero Program
Although the Hispanic/Latino population shows similar susceptibility to mental illness as the general population, they experience disparities in what ?
What is access to treatment and quality in treatment
Counselors should be willing to explore their own histories of ______, __________ and ______.
What is prejudice, cultural stereotyping, and discrimination
Consider using a Family Systems approach based on the importance of what
What is Familismo
what are the different regions of Hispanic/Latinos
What is Columbia • Venezuela • Ecuador • Peru • Chile Puerto Rico • Cuba • Dominican Republic • Spain • Portugal Mexico El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua.
The first Supreme Court case briefed and argued by Mexican American attorneys.
What is Hernandez v. The State of Texas
Putting Hispanic or Latino families in a position of having to choose between “Anglo” vs. „Latino” cultures (Creating an “Us and Them” mentality). Latino Families (Biggest Fears): Losing connection with ones family (immediate and extended) are considered as what
What is Therapeutic Errors
3 things to consider when working on an intervention with the Hispanic/Latino population
What is It is important to engage in a respectful, warm, and mutual introduction with the client Give a brief description of what counseling is and the role of each participant Explain the notion of confidentiality Explain the treatment to be used, why and how Assess possible problems from external sources, such as need for food, shelter, or employment, or stressful interactions with agencies.
Three basic levels of cultural integration are necessary in Latina/o counseling:
What is (a) culturally grounded integration with universal psychological practices, (b) the integration of therapeutic structures and culture, and (c) cultural adaptations to evidence-based methods.
Why does National Hispanic Heritage Month start in the middle of the month ( September 15)
What is because it is the anniversary of independence for Latin American countries Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua.
Is founded to promote the education of Hispanic youth and acquires a national following, serving Puerto Ricans wherever they live in large numbers.
What is Aspira (Aspire)
What are 5 factors that Prevent Hispanics/Latinos from seeking treatment
What is Lack of information and Misunderstanding of Mental Health Privacy Concerns Language barriers Lack of health insurance Misdiagnose Legal status Natural medicine and home remedies Faith and Spirituality
Therapist Should be Culturally Alert to
What is • Be aware of the areas where Hispanic dwell. • History of client (Hispanic) country of origin. • Helpful in understanding client/family that seeks help
What cultural concepts should counselors be familiar with
What is Familismo Respeto Marianismo Machismo y Caballerismo Fatalismo Importance of spirituality and indigenous healers