In what year did Jamestown established the first permanent British colony in the Americas?
What was the Columbian Exchange?
A widespread exchange of human populations, animals, plants, culture, disease, and ideas between the American and Afro-Eurasian hemispheres.
13th Amendment
Explain the Enlightenment Period
Late 1600 - 1700s (Started in Europe)
Emphasized: Reason and Individualism. Science and the natural world. Enlightenment political philosophy was popular in the North. How to govern Natural Rights - Rights are based on the universal laws of nature. John Locke - People have the natural right to life, liberty, and property (The government exists to defend those rights) Jean-Jacques Rousseau - The general will support the laws of the people. Barson de Montesquieu - Political power should be separated (Not centralized)
What is the Middle Passage?
Middle Passage - A ship's journey from Africa to the Americas carrying a cargo of enslaved people. (Textiles, Brandy arms > Slaves >Sugar Coffee and Tabacco. )
The 1st enslaved Africans were brought to Britain’s American colonies during what year?
What is the Virgin Soil Epidemic?
when a disease strikes a population that has no defenses because of lack of contact previously. In some places, 95% of the population died out because of newly introduced diseases to these populations. Significant damage to tribal societies
14th / 15th Amendment
14th Amendment - 1868, granted citizenship to African Americans and said that states could not limit the rights of citizens
Prohibits Confederates from holding political office
The USA is not responsible for debts incurred by the Confederacy.
15th Amendment
15th Amendment - 1870 - The right of citizens to vote shall not be denied or limited on account of race, color, or previous conditions of servitude.
It took almost 100 years before the 15th amendment = fully in effect (1965 Voting Rights Act)
What is the Great Awakening?
1730s - 1740s. Preachers at outdoor meetings; listeners frenzied. Encouraged people to operate Christianity differently than they are used to. Question the world around you. Challenge church authority. Personal relationship with God. It connects to the Enlightenment period as it’s about challenging authority.
What is Chattle Slavery?
Humans as property, to be bought and sold, a permanent status. Something you can transport, give away to another and pass down to your children. Became a staple of the economy in Southern colonies. They grew tobacco, rice, cotton, etc. Lasted 1619 - 1860s
Forced into: field labor, house labor, and rape. Children of slave women = also slaves.
Year for Declaration of Independence
What are the names of the two main English settlements? And what are their differences?
Jamestown - Virginia, was established in 1607. Mostly men. Failed to find gold and silver and instead began farming tobacco. Started importing African Slaves in 1619
Plymouth, Massachusetts - established in 1620. Families fleeing religious persecution. Pilgrims who fled England moved to Holland and then to this colony. Very religious group
Declaration of Independence
Enlightenment Ideas were significant to this war, at least to the Revolutionaries. This established the US as an independent nation and showcased the ideals of the Enlightenment period, which would guide the rest of the country.
Seven years War
The long rivalry between Britain and France (Catholic French vs. Protestant British) Both sides had Indigenous allies. French have a better relationship with these Tribes
1754 - Young George Washington killed a French diplomate, which didn’t go well, and led British Colonists and Native allies against the French.
At first, the French are looking good. British won the war, but ended up with a lot of debt
Debt = motivation for Parliament to try to get more money from the colonies. Taxing colonies more highly.
What is Republican Motherhood?
The idea that women were responsible for raising children who would uphold American republic values - a sphere of gender that created a need for motherhood and wifehood.
Mexican-American War
Native American Slavery compared to African Slavery
In many cases, it is not legal. Local= easier / cheaper to obtain. More susceptible to disease. If they escaped, they might be able to return to their tribe* (Some). Women and children = most valuable ( Women are better at skilled labor, and the Native men are scarier to them. Children can be taught language, allowing a translator)
Bill Of Rights
The First Ten Amendment to the Constitution outlined Americans' rights to their government. Guarantees civic rights
Transcendentalism and Romanticism?
Idealistic philosophical and social movement that taught that divinity pervades all nature and humanity
Influenced by romanticism, philosophies from India, etc.
Developed in New England around 1836 - Origins to the USA
What is the Dred Scott decision?
They declare that:
A black person could not be an American citizen and, therefore, could not sue in court
Since slaves were property, any law that took enslaved from slave owners was theft thus unconstitutional
Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional - Congress lacked authority
The Civil War / Reconstruction Periode
1861-1865 // 1865-1877
Describe Manifest Destiny
God and the Constitution> Destiny of the USA to bring its culture to others.
American morality and political system made the US the ideal leader
Americans can make the best use of the land
The colonists did not fully understand that the Native population was already taking care of the land and had different ideas of agricultural styles.
Other Motives
Wanted access to natural resources
Immigration and births > quickly expanding US population
Articles of Confederation
Named the Country (USA)
Allowed Congress to
Make treaties and alliances
Maintain armed forces - Centralized forces
Generally used to fight Native American Tribes
Coin Money (This will cause chaos and enforce new money change during Lincoln’s presidency.)
Voting messy
Raising money for armed forces is also messy - there is no taxation yet.
Feared Tyranny - Kept the Federal Government weak
Concerns over power
Was Reconstruction successful? Why or Why not?
Mixed - It was quickly shut down quickly, and the KKK was introduced. But African Americans did hold office and gained amendments to pro
What are Black Codes?
Unconstitutional state laws that limited the freedom of Black Men and Women