
What did Thomas Nast do?

In 1874, he used animals to represent the democratic parties. 

- Donkey for the Democrats

- Elephants for Republicans 


Who was Thaddeus Stevens?

Leader of Radical Republicans in the House of Representatives

-Advocated for equal rights and freedom of African Americans. 


Who was Jim Crow (Character)?

A character created by a white entertainer, Thomas Dartmouth Rice 

-He would paint his face black and act out in overly exaggerated stereotypical ways, became popular due to his song "Jim Crow"


What was the Morrill Land Grant 1862? 

States got land from the gov to establish colleges for agricultural/ mechanical arts

-Federal gov gave funding to prepare men for reality and states took advantage


What is Social Darwinism?

Social Darwinism was a way to justify disparity of wealth and was developed by Herbert Spencer who applied the natural selection theory from Charles Darwin. Stating that those either climb or fall and those who reached the top would have power. "Survival of the Fittest"


Who was Nikola Tesla?

He was the Father of Modern Technology, he created Alternating Currents (A.C.), one of the many inventions still used today.


Who was Charles Sumner?

Leader of theRadical Republicans in the Senate.

-Viewed slavery as damaging to the economy 

- Believed free labor was more productive than forced.


What was a the Homestead Act 1862

Passed by congress and signed by president Lincoln

-Strategy to populate the west, gave people 160 acres of land as long as they remained loyal to the union. 

-Poeple had to cultivate and work on land for 5 years before it was officially theirs.


What is Ellis Island?

-Ellis Island is an immigration station in New York that first opened in 1892 

-Used by the government to regulate the immigrants who came in. These immigrants were examined to make sure they were healthy and capable of earning a living in the U.S.. Determining if they stayed or left. 


Who was Booker T. Washington? 

He was born a slave in 1856, but obtained freedom and educated himself. At 16 he attended college in Virginia and was soon teaching people at his own college at Tuskegee Institute in Alabama in 1881. He taught liberal lights and sciences at his institute. 


Who was George Washington Carver? 

He was one of Booker's best employees. He created Tuskegee's 1st lab where he found 300 uses of the peanut. He is one of the most celebrated scientists. 


What was the Grandfather Clause of 1898?

This clause allowed unqualified Whites if a member of their family could vote in 1867 (before the 14th amendment) 

- this excluded African Americans


What are the Ghettos?

-The Ghettos were areas where immigrants would settle with previous immigrants with same religion and race

-These immigrants would settle to find comfort and preserve their traditions and culture


Who was Ida B. Wells? 

She obtained freedom after the Civil War. She expressed herself through journalism, 3 of her friends were lynched and she released "Southern Horrors." She focused on equal rights and education of youth. 


What is Plessy vs Ferguson?

Hommer Plessy was arrested for sitting in railroad coach reserved for rights

-Once taken to Supreme Court, it was ruled that states Could legally separate individuals if they were equal. 

-Separation of race became legal


What is Williams v. Mississippi (1898)?

In 1898, Williams was found guilty by an all white jury, he fought back by saying that there was no black jurors. There was no discrimination because it applied to all the voters.


What is Vertical Integration?

Vertical Integration was a strategy developed by Andrew Carnegie.This strategy was done by cutting prices in order to control the market.


Who was Thomas Edison?

He was the 1st to establish a research and development facility, created a Phonograph and perfected the Edison Light Bulb. Created Direct Current (D.C.) that could light an entire block but was quite dangerous. 

Who is WEB Dubois? 

Studies the conditions of African Americans using sociology

-Came to the conclusion that behavior and crime stems were based on your environment 

-The key was education 


What was the Pacific Railway Act 1862?

Passed by congress and signed by president Lincoln

-Caused the rise of railroads by providing low interest rates in gov loans to railroad companies to build more

-Led to famous Transcontinental Railroad and finally connected the United States.


What is Horizontal Integration?

Horizontal Integration was a strategy developed by John D. Rockefeller. This strategy was done by buying out competitors and merging business into one company. 
