The Indian Act & Residential Schools
Nazi Dictatorship
Lynching & Segregation
Terrorism Against Feminists
Name 3 Ways the Indian Act oppressed Canada’s Indigenous Peoples
3 of the following: Status Indians become wards of the state, Regarded as children by the government, confined to reserves (approximately 0.02% of Canada’s total landmass, deprived of full citizenship,Officials of Indian Affairs have final say on all matters pertaining to reserve life
List 3 of the groups which the Nazis persecuted during the war
Jews, Gypsies/Roma, gay men, the disabled, Russians, Eastern Europeans
Who was Sam Hose?
Black farmworker accused of killing his employer Alfred Cranford. Without proof of his guilt he was hunted down by a mob, hung from a tree, tortured for 30 minutes, and burnt alive. Subsequent investigation proved Hose had killed Cranford in self defence.
What is the meaning of Apartheid?
Apartheid: apartness, system of state sanctioned segregation of political and social life in South Africa
Who was responsible for the Montreal Massacre? What was his motive?
Mark Lepine. He singled out female students in an engineering class and shot them because they were “feminists” and he believed they had no right to be there.
Who was Hayter Reed?What is his contribution to this topic?
Indian commissioner for the NWTs in 1888. ( included much of present-day western Ont. Man, Sask, and Alb.), Showed profound disrespect for Indigenous people. Thought they needed to become peasant farmers before they could jump to the contemporary level of industrialization. Reed prohibited first nations farmers from selling any grain, root crop, and other produce without first obtaining a permit from their local agent (the purchaser would also require a permit), making business much harder for First Nation
What were the 3 subjects Hitler discussed in Mein Kampf?
1.Nation, RACE and the “world historical process.” Survival of the fittest. 2.How to win power: political organization, propaganda 3.Foreign Policy (WAR) for the future
Name 3 justifications/reasons for Lynchings
Rape mythology, fear of black advancement, ritual of white identity (unifies communities), consensual interracial sex/fear of racial mixing
List 3 ways in which the Black population of South Africa suffered under Apartheid
Confined to Bantustans (reserves) and required passes to leave, segregated schooling which they had to pay for, substandard education, job discrimination, schoolchildren fired upon during peaceful Soweto Riot
List 3 Structures that kept women in a subordinate position in society
Family, marriage,Law, absence/limitation of political rights, Religion, Society, and culture
For what activities/choices could a Status Indian loose their status?
Indian Women lost status if they married a non-indian, if you graduated university or became a doctor, lawyer, minister, etc you lost your status. Metis of Red River didn’t have status until very recently.
Give 2 reasons what the Nazi party won the 1930-33 election
The depression, effective propaganda, promise to get rid of the Versailles Treaty, promises to restore German economy/unity/pride, the Hitler myth (image of Hitler as great leader, brilliant politician, fierce fighter, caring and fatherly, etc…)
How did modern culture/technology influence lynching?
Newspapers rapidly spread lynching news, trains brought spectators to lynchings, cameras used to photograph the victims and killers, lynching becomes part of the visual culture (picture postcards)
List 3 factors which contributed to the end of Apartheid
South Africa ousted from the commonwealth, UN trade boycott, arms embargo by UN, Sullivan principles (All corporations must ensure employees treated equally and in an integrated environment) makes Segregation economically unsound, global cultural boycotts, musical protests
Who were the suffragettes?
Women in Britain (and later North America) who advocated for women’s suffrage (right to vote). They used protests, petitions, delegations, and sometimes violence to further their cause. During one protest 3 women chained themselves to the heavy iron screen of the women’s gallery in the house of commons and screamed “votes for women”
What was the “Pass System”?
Introduced as a temporary measure aimed at halting the spread of the North West resistance of 1885. People were not allowed to leave their reserve unless they had been granted an official pass from the Indian Officer. It was an illegal and unconstitutional measure that lasted for more than 60 years.
Who was Heinrich Himmler?
Leader of the SS, Hitler called him the “Man with the Iron Heart” because of his brutality and willingness to commit even the most inhuman acts.
What is the Plessy vs. Ferguson case about and what is it’s significance?
Homer Plessy violates Louisiana’s Separate Cars Act by buying a ticket and sitting in the whites only section of the train. Arrested and brought to court before Judge John Ferguson. This case leads to the doctrine of “separate but equal” in which the court endorses the Southern policy of segregation so long as separate facilities were equal.
What role did missionary schools play in South African society?
Provided religious schooling as well as primary, secondary, and technical education for Africans. Mission schools taught people to think critically and thus many of the graduates from these schools became activists and freedom fighters (Steven Biko, Nelson Mandela, Tiyo Soga)
Why was it hard for abused women in the late 19th century to escape their plight?
Low wages for women meant they were unable to provide for themselves financially, $5 fee just to bring a case to court and often your abuser would get off with just a fine, you had to prove the abuse (and that you hadn’t provoked it in any way)
Name 5 problems of the Residential School system
Any 5 of the following: underfunded, unsafe, unsanitary, disease and malnutrition were rampant, physical/mental/sexual abuse of students by school employees, students stripped of their culture and language, students used as unpaid labour in the schools, government sanctioned sterilization of residential school students in 1930s in Alberta and BC, post-traumatic stress disorder among survivors
What was the “Final Solution”? Who created it?
Planned by Heinrich Himmler and Reinhard Heydrich at Hitler’s request as a “complete solution of the Jewish problem”. At the Wannsee Conference in 1942, Heydrich authorized implementation of gas chambers and labour camps.
What is the significance of Brown v. Board of Education (1954)
Overturned Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) calls for integration of public schools, separate facilities were inherently unequal, relied heavily on studies such as the doll experiment (white and black dolls, which would you like to play with)
How did the education system in South Africa support Apartheid?
One or more of the following: Separation of races meant children had no contact with people who were different than them, racially motivated textbooks presented biased histories, teachers taught students that whites were racially superior, better education of whites over blacks helped to channel whites into positions of power and blacks into subservient/lower skill jobs
How did WWI help women attain suffrage?
Votes were given in 1917 to Military Nurses, wives, mothers, and sister of soldiers, and in 1918 all female British Citizens (Exceptions: Chinese and Native Women) based on the belief that women with relatives in the war would be more supportive of the war effort and would be loyal to the party that gave them suffrage.