What is Karl Marx the creator of?
What was the Russian government like before the revolution?
A monarchy (with Tsars)
What was The Great Purge
event in which Stalin had many former loyal followers executed for being "disloyal"
Who was the founder of the Bolshevik (communist) party?
Explain what the "one-party rule" is
only one political party allowed in country
What did Marx think was the cause of all problems in history?
Different classes
What was the provisional government?
temporary government set up after the fall of the monarchy
edited people out, and edited himself in to certain photos
Who was the military leader for the Bolsheviks
explain what "Cult of Personality" means
What is necessary to switch to a communist society?
A violent revolution
What happened in the February Revolution?
protest against the monarchy, royal guards joined side of protesters.
What was the "secret police"
group that was in charge of getting rid of anyone who disagreed with Stalin
Who was Tsar Nicholas II and what happened to him?
Tsar during revolution, he abdicated the throne
explain what "control over the media" means
control education (banning books) propaganda, only gov approved information is allowed
Why is a temporary dictatorship necessary to implement communism?
to redistribute wealth and eliminate the bourgeoise
What happened in the October Revolution
The Bolsheviks stormed the Winter Palace and took control over the Provisional government
What did Stalin, Zenoviev, and Kamenev do together
forced Trotsky out of the party and exile him from Russia
What is a show trial
purpose is to sway public opinion about someone, not find justice.
Explain what "use of intimidation means"
arresting, executing, or coming after anyone that opposes the leader
What did Karl Marx mean by "alienation of labor"?
capitalism separates the worker from their product and themselves
Describe the Russian Civil war
White (anti-communist) vs Red (communist) reds win
What was "collectivization"
Stalin took all individually owned farms and turned them into state-owned farms
What was Holodomor?
famine created by the Russian government in Ukraine as a response to people not liking collectivization policies. Millions died.
explain what "control over the economy" means
government owns all business