What life boat was Ken originally assigne?
What is the high school called?
Wilkins High school
Who was accused for starting the great Chicago Fire
What does the pink sash mean?
You behaved well
Where is Ken going To stay safe from the war?
What sport did Judi and Stacy use to do?
Why did they name the puppy Lucky?
It was considered to be lucky to survive a fire
What is the setting? (This is a multiple answer question)
In Italy than she traveled to Rome and at her boarding school
Who got Ken’s silver watch?
Ken’s neighborhood and the mayor
What type of food does Judi eat before practice?
Fruit Dessert baby food
When did the story take place?
When does the story take place?
1940- World War 2 ends
Why couldn’t the kids drink the rain?
It touched the sail which had salt water on it and they couldn’t drink the salt water
What is the number on Judi’s jerse?
What type of Puppy is Lucky?
Ginger pup
What does Lia call her Grandma?
Nona Teresa
What did the boat get sinked by?
It was a torpedo by a German U boat
What excuse did Judi use to get out of cheer practice?
That she had a doctor appointment
What is JP’s real name?
John Patrick
Where did Nona Teresa take Lia at night?
The movies