Figurative Language
Objective Summary
Making Inferences
Theme and Literary Elements

Why might an author use the personification "The branches have traded their leaves for white sleeves" in a poem about winter? 

a. Help the reader visualize the snow on the trees.

b. To show the weather is cold.

c. To make the poem more interesting.

d. To develop a main character.

a. Help the reader visualize the snow on the trees.


True or False: Objective summaries should include people's opinions.



How would you describe the setting of Yellow Star, based on the excerpt? 

a. mysterious

b. welcoming

c. happy

d. scary

d. scary


What is theme?

The life lesson of the story


How could the perspective in Patrol influence readers?  

a. The story could influence readers to understand how vulnerable/human all soldiers are 

b. The story could influence people to promote war  

c. The story provides details about war 

d. The story would have little influence 

a. The story could influence readers to understand how vulnerable/human all soldiers are


What two things are being compared in the following simile:

Then, like a hunted deer that could not flee, the runner stopped, wounded and weak and panting.

The runner is being compared to a hunted deer.


List FOUR things an objective summary should include. (You will get an additional 100 BONUS POINTS if you can list all SEVEN!)

Potential Answers:





-Major Conflict

-Important parts of the plot



Why did the author write Yellow Star in free verse poetry?  

a. Rhyming would be too upbeat for such a serious topic 

b. Free verse reads like a story/narrative.  

c. The details of the setting can be magnified. 

d. All of the above

d. All of the above


Why does the author choose to repeat the word "children"?

a. To create apathy

b. To create a lasting impact on the reader

c. To use alliteration

b. To create a lasting impact on the reader


This poem, Sick by Shel Silverstein, was written from the perspective of…

a. Someone's who is really sick

b. A teacher

c. A parent

d. A lying kid

d.  A lying kid

Based on the personification "The brakes screamed as the car skittered across the ice", how does the writer feel?

a. Good about their driving

b. Excited to get to their destination

c. Worried that the car is out of control

d. Angry that the ground is too icy

c. Worried that the car is out of control


Which of the following statements would not be part of an objective summary? 

a. Patrol's main setting is a beautiful jungle in Vietnam. 

b. Patrol takes place during the Vietnam War.

C. Patrol is historical fiction.

D. Patrol is about an America soldier in Vietnam. 

a. Patrol's main setting is a beautiful jungle in Vietnam. 


Inference - The soldier in Patrol was scared.  Choose 2 lines that could be used as evidence to support this inference.  

a. My squad of nine men are in the forest 

b. Shots! A firefight! I dive to the ground 

c. I am afraid. I want the enemy to be more afraid  

d. I wonder if the birds speak of us from the high branches 

e.  I tell myself that I will not die on this bright day 

c. I am afraid. I want the enemy to be more afraid 

e.  I tell myself that I will not die on this bright day 


What is the theme of this poem?

a. Everyone dies eventually, so you should accept death.
b. Dying isn’t as scary as it seems.
c. Memories of a person can keep them alive in your heart.
d. Some people don’t leave an impact on people, and some people do.

c. Memories of a person can keep them alive in your heart.


What perspective is this poem from?

A soldier
