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Historical Events
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The Read Aloud for the Historical Fiction section based on Georgie Badiel's childhood. 

What is "The Water Princess"? 


A genre that conceptualizes and represents the past through a fictional means where the period/event in which it is set in is not independent of the story, so certain real-world events revolve around the story.

What is Historical Fiction? 


This Children's Literature Reading involved a pilot and a boy in a journey of loneliness, development, and relationships. 

What is "The Little Prince"?


Taking place between 1861 and 1865, this was a national affair between the north and confederate states over the role of slavery, states' rights, taxes, and the election of Abraham Lincoln. 

What is the Civil War? 


The founding document of the United States, signed in 1776. 

What is the Declaration of Independence?


The West African country the read aloud is based on and where Georgie Badiel grew up on. 

What is Burkina Faso? 


History Affects Characters - Not a background/setting, Familiarity, Reality Check, Second-generation memory, Present Issues, Nostalgia and Nationalism

What are Elements of Historical Fiction? 


This theory focuses on the audience of a text and how each individual will have a different impact due to their different experiences/background. 

What is Reader's Response Theory? 


A resistance movement led by nonviolent methods with significant figures, such as Martin Luther King Jr., W.E.B. Du Bois, Carter G. Woodson, and Mary White Ovington the NAACP. 

What is the Civil Rights Movement? 


This Asian country prohibits tourism and restricts travel due to strict national and military regime. 

What is North Korea? 


This group concentrates their efforts on creating and restoring clean wells in Burkina Faso and other West African regions.

What is the Georgie Badiel Foundation? 


This middle-grade children's book follows the story of an orphan who goes on the run after an unfortunate mishap with a foster placement. The events that follow is him experiencing and navigating the world on his own during the Great Depression. 

What is "Bud, not Buddy?"


This fantastical series contains 7 books. However, only the first book is truly considered a children's book. 

What is "Harry Potter"? 


A moment in history marked by its economic downfall from a stock market crash in 1929. 

What is the Great Depression?


The following nations brought about the common name for an amusement park: Spain, France, Mexico, Republic of Texas, Confederate States of America, and United States of America. 

What are the Six Flags of Texas? 


The second installment of "The Water Princess" book, published in 2019? 

What is "Water is Here"?


Historical fiction vocalizes very prominent issues that are still influential in today's present. Apart from being an educational means to inform the audience of current events/issues, it also teaches and educates future decisions, which is why the saying, "History is always repeating itself" is acknowledged. 

What is the Significance of Historical Fiction?/ Why does Historical Fiction matter?


This genre limits fictional and fantastical elements, often focusing on real possibilities of the every day world.

What is Realism? 


A political affair regarding President Richard Nixon and his resignation due to distrust from government officials. He resigned before facing a likely impeachment.

What is the Watergate Scandal? 


This individual was the fourth president of the United States and drafted the Constitution. 

Who is James Madison? 


This step is necessary to rid any bacteria and contaminants in water prior to drinking. 

What is boiling the water? 


Provides a way for a generation to experience or revisit trauma from previous generations through twisted memories or “play”

What is Second Generation Memory? 


A sociocultural theory developed, which states that children learn and develop cognitively based upon social interaction. There is a limit to what you can learn, you can do with help, and what is not capable.

What is Vygotsky's theory/Zone of Proximal Development? 


Caused by the assassination of Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary, this led to the revolutionary events that procured to opposing sides: allies and axis powers. 

What is the First World War/World War I? 


This ancient Egyptian pharaoh's tomb was found mostly intact, buried alongside precious treasures and minerals. He was thought to have died at 19 years old. 

Who is King Tut/Tutankhamun ? 
