What is the sacred book of Islam?
The Koran
What was the dominant political, economic, and social system in Western Europe between the 9th and 15th centuries?
What cannot be represented in Islamic art?
human or animal figures
A journey is an act of traveling, usually over a long distance and/or for a longer amount of time
A _______ is also an act of traveling, however it is usually for a shorter period of time.
A trip
What saint is Santa Claus based upon?
Saint Nicholas
In a mosque, the mihrab is a part of the qibla wall, which always faces what direction?
towards Mecca
Where did lords live?
What is the shape of the plan of a Romanesque church?
a latin cross
What word is defined as an open-air space surrounded by walls.
It is also a part of the mosque.
What company first used Santa Claus in an advertisement?
Coca Cola
What is the medina?
The part of the city inside the walls.
What animal that monks drew in illuminated manuscripts could be considered the earliest memes?
What do you call geometrical patterns of intertwining lines that are used in Islamic art and resemble organic forms?
What word is defined as a journey to a religious site?
a pilgrimage
What kind of pet does the Grinch have?
A dog
What is the tower of a mosque called?
A minaret
The emergence of this class diminished the importance of the king
The noblility
(Nobles or lords is also acceptable)
A visual art, this highly stylized writing is important to the Islamic tradition.
Don Quijote, Saint George, Lancelot, and El Cid are examples of what?
(Please spell the word)
What do naughty kids get for Christmas?
At the center of Islamic world's most important mosque is a black cube. What is it called?
The Kaaba
A significant part of the King Arthur legend includes his search for what religious relic?
The holy grail
What architectural element, borrowed from and reminiscent of the Romans, led to first medieval European artistic style that is called Romanesque
The arch
What is a margin?
The edge or border of something. For example, the white space at the top, bottom, and sides of a page of text
Every elf has this ornament on the tip of their shoes.