The people decided to ___ against their oppressors during the revolution.
What is rise up?
Explorers like Columbus ___ on their journeys to discover unknown lands.
What is set off?
As people ___, they often learn from past mistakes.
What is look back?
The war ___ unexpectedly after years of tension.
what is break out?
Many cultural traditions are ___ from generation to generation.
what is pass down?
After many defeats, the enemy decided to ___ and surrender.
What is give up?
The treaty led to the countries deciding to ___ further attacks.
What is call off?
The harsh weather conditions forced the explorers to ___.
What is turn back?
The leaders tried to ___ a peace agreement before further conflict ensued.
What is work out?
The country had to ___ many hardships during the Great Depression.
What is go through?
The diplomats ___ a new constitution for the emerging nation.
What is draw up?
The strategic alliance was able to ___ the course of the war.
What is turn around?
The new leader was able to ___ the throne after the king's death.
What is take over?
The epidemic ___ a large portion of the population in the medieval town.
What is wipe out?
Leaders tried to ______________ to the citizens the importance of participating in the democratic process.
What is get across?
Historians strive to ___ misunderstandings about historical events.
What is clear up?
Despite the challenges, the soldiers were encouraged to ___ fighting.
What is carry on?
The once-mighty empire began to ___ after years of internal strife.
What is fall apart?
The army had to retreat when they ___ of supplies.
What is run out?
Archaeologists ___ ancient artifacts in their digs.
What is came across?
Nations had to ___ technological advancements during the arms race.
What is keep up with?
Historians ___ the past to understand how key events have shaped the present.
What is reflect on?
The Industrial Revolution ___ significant changes in how people lived and worked.
What is brought about?
Historians ___ various causes of the civilization's decline.
What is look into?
Facing immense pressure, the leader decided to ___ from power.
What is step down?