This convention had 12-50 men chanting script lines in unison
What is the chrous?
This style of theater was changed throughout the 1900s to showcase Communism propaganda
What is Beijing Opera
A type of monologue unique to Elizabethan theater; one where the character speaks to themself in front of the audience.
In Melodrama, the audience can tell which type of character an actor is when they enter the scene thanks to this musical convention
This popular musical reached a broad range of audiences by utilizing multiple genres of music; emphasizing rap and hip hop
What is Hamilton
A machine used to hoist actors who portrayed gods; translates to "god machine"
Deus ex machina
The long platform extending into the audience known as a "Hanamichi" belonged to this era of theater
Shakespearian plays were performed on this type of stage to allow the actors to move close into the audience.
What is a thrust stage?
An imaginary separation between the audience and actors; Realism upheld it, Melodrama broke it quite often.
What is the Fourth Wall?
This is widely considered to be the first musical, despite it's problematic take on "contemporary" society
What is "Showboat"?
The name of the first man to step out of the chorus; he became the very first actor!
Who is Thespis
Noh plays were known for being static and slow-paced, as the art form focused on portraying this more than action.
What is mood?
Every Morality Play had a deeper message to pass onto the audience, also known as this type of figurative language
A simple but common theme explored throughout Melodrama
What is "Good vs. Evil," "Justice vs. Corruption," or "Honesy vs. Dishonesty"
Loraine Hansberry was the first African-American playwright who emphasized a different take on the American dream with this 1959 drama.
What is "A Raisin in the Sun"?
Drama first emerged from religious rituals celebrating this Greek god.
Who is Dionysus
Throughout Noh, Kabuki and Beijing opera, this element of a costume was often representative of a spirit or demon
What are masks?
At the end of "Everyman," this is the only character willing to accompany Everyman into death.
Who is Good Deeds?
What is A Doll's House?
Hammerstein and Rodgers ushered in "The Golden Age" of musicals with this successful 1943 production.
What is "Oklahoma!"?
Aristotle wrote that every tragic Greek play should have these three plot points; they translate to "reversal, realization and suffering."
What is peripeteia, anagnorisis and catharsis
What are acrobatics?
The first stationary stage in Europe was called this
The Theater
Stanislavski coined this type of acting; when the actor takes dramatic measures to get in character
What is Method Acting?
The iconic musical score of "Phantom of the Opera" was written by this man, who also composed the musical "Cats"
Who is Andrew Lloyd Webber?