Cause ever since I left the city, you started wearing less and goin' out more
Them boys up to something; they just not just bluffing
Playing dirty, not clean; Out front of Four Seasons; Looking like a damn football team
You thought the little effort that you put in was enough girl; how bout now?
I just think it's funny how it goes; Now I'm on the road, half a million for a show; And we...
Seeing a resurgence again in the post-World War II America, this phenomenon saw its origins after Leninist forces took over
What is the Red Scare?
This female reformer sought to help society through the establishment of settlement houses such as Hull House
Who is Jane Addams?
This general was the leader of the Expeditionary force during World War I
Who is John J. Pershing?
This now controversial act sought to help out the elderly in society through employee/employer contributions to a fund
What is the Social Security Act?
This product became a symbol of mass production with its specific T model
What is the automobile?
This prominent case saw a fight for the teaching of evolution in schools and featured prominent figures such as William Jennings Bryan
What is the Scopes Trial?
Consisting of a number of measures, this was the name given to Wilson's plan to bring peace to the world
What is Wilson's Fourteen Points?
This "point" in Wilson's peace plan never saw the U.S. join this organization due to resistance in the Senate
What is the League of Nations?
This silent politician turned president claimed that the "business of america is business"
Who is Calvin Coolidge?
President FDR became a more personable figure than his predecessor Herbert Hoover through radio broadcasts, often referred to as this term
What are fireside chats?
This movement arose out of this city, which lent its name to this flourishing of black culture
What is Harlem?
This Catholic priest utilized radio to contest the New Deal
Who is Father Charles Coughlin?
This habitual Democratic presidential candidate turned Secretary of State resigned during World War I due to his pacifist leanings
Who is William Jennings Bryan?
This agency sought to use the unemployed to carry out civic projects to help their communities
What is the Works Progress Administration?
The most popular woman in America at one point, she served as an unofficial New Deal representative
Who is Eleanor Roosevelt?
These girls got their names from a type of dress they used to wear
What are flappers?
This year featured the first time women could vote in the United States nation-wide
What is 1920?
Under this policy, America remained neutral during World War II, and they did not give away supplies to countries like England
What is the Lend-Lease Act?
Term used to refer to Theodore Roosevelt's policy toward labor, consumers, and the natural environment
What is a Square Deal?
This new deal agency dealt with natural resources mostly, putting people to work protecting and enhancing them
What is the Civilian Conservation Corps?
This poet came to be a major representative of the movement mentioned earlier in this category involving black artists
Who is Langston Hughes?
This scandal in the Harding administration involved bribery and the Secretary of State
What is the Teapot Dome Scandal?
This year saw the U.S. join the First World War against Germany
What is 1917?
This governor, assassinated in office, sought to implement a Share The Wealth Program
Who is Huey Long?
In order to protect against losses like the Great Depression, this agency set up to protect deposits
What is the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation?