A feeling of intense devotion and loyalty to a nation or country.
What is nationalism?
Attack on Germany in south, going in with a fighting spirit, which would make them more successful.
What is the French Plan XV||?
28th US President, had the 14 points speech, including proposing the league of nations.
Who is Woodrow Wilson?
What is the influenza? (or Spanish flu or the Flu)
This country invaded Belgium at the beginning of the war.
What is Germany?
When a country extends its power and control over other countries orr territories.
What is imperialism?
Beginning of the war, a strict time table that had to be followed. Belgium refuses to let them come through peacefully.
What is Germany's invasion on Belgium?
Black troops that were sent to France, had great success in fighting compared to every other American Troop.
Who are the Harlem Hellfighters?
What is the Back-To-Africa movement?
Racial violence occuring in US cities.
What is the Red Summer of 1919?
A belief or desire of a government or people that a country should maintain a strong military capability and be prepared to use it aggressively or promote national interests.
What is militarism?
Germany reaching out to Mexico, seeing if they would be willing to help take down America. Intercepted by Britain.
Who is W.E.B. Dubois?
Inspired by The Birth of a Nationand lynching of Leo Frank.
What is the Ku Klux Klan Revival?
The League of Nations failed due to which country not joining.
What is the United States?
Illegal to criticize the government, or anything against the war effort.
What the Sedition Act?
Created the BRAT (Blame, Repreations, Army, and Territory). After end of war.
What is the Treaty of Versailles?
30th President of the US. Had many pro-buisness policies. Also signed Immigration act of 1924.
Who is Calvin Coolidge?
Calvin Coolidge: “The chief business of the American people is business.”
What is the Buisness Boom of the 1920s?
Germany, Austria-Hungary, and and Italy are all in one alliance.
What is the Triple Alliance?
Network of treaties and agreements between European nations, where countries pledged to defend each other in an event of an attack.
What is system of alliances?
Russia had severe defeats. Uprises and riots against government. Causes for there to be a new government created, and peace signed with Germany.
What is the Bolshevik Revoltion? (or Russian Revolution for half points)
The 29th President of the United States. Advocated for "normalcy" post WW1.
Who is Warren G. Harding?
Scopes "Monkey" Trial highlighted the conflict over evolution and religion.
What is fundamentalism vs science?
What three countries were included in the Triple Entente alliance?
What are France, Russia, and the United Kingdom?