Important People 1
Important People 2
Important People 3
Questions 2

who was Zheng He and why is he important? 

Chinese explorer from the ming dynasty


Who is Francisco Pizzaro? and why is he important?

Conquistador leads the conquest of the incan people.


who is John Cabot

Where was he from: italy 

Where did he explore: cape breton islands and labrador 

Was he successful: found east coast of “America” 

How did he die: unknown (probably drowning if his ship sunk)


How did the Bubonic Plague start (there are several factors)? What are the lasting impacts of it? What are some positive outcomes that have occurred as a result of plagues?

Fleas on rats started it, and population density causes the plague, the silk road, trade is a great way to spread the black death.

 They also don't know what a germ is and don’t have medical knowledge. So many people die ⅓ of Europe's population, it destabilizes all of Africa. 

Positive outcomes are advances in city planning, and medicine.


What are things that originated in the Old World? What are things that originated in the New World?

Old world: potatoes, corn wheat, sweet potatoes, tobacco 

New world: citrus fruits, pairs, peaches, grapes, pineapple


Who is Marten Luther? and why is he important?

German monk/ priest 

List of complaints 

  • NO indulgences (pay money to church for your sins to be forgiven faster) 


who is Bartolome de las Casas? and why is he important? 

Involved with slave trading from the world, he was a priest, had a change of heart, and he feels bad that the indigenous people are getting slaved, and he spends most of his life trying to end slavery.


who is Walter Raleigh

Where was he from: england 

Where did he explore: named virginia, and sailed carolina to florida 

Was he successful: introduction of potato and tobacco 

How did he die: beheaded for plot against king James 1st


What are the three civilizations that recovered from the Bubonic Plague that we discussed in this unit? What made them successful (each of the three has a different recovery story)?

  • Ming china 

    • Large fleet of ships 

    • Alabrit events 

    • Trade routes and taxing on other along the coast 

  • The Western  Christendom 

    • Monarchy claim to to rule by divine right 

    • Targeted conversos Convert jews and muslims 

  • Ottoman empire 

    • Political alliances 


Compare the practices and impact of European explorers on the Aztecs and Incas.

Aztecs and Incas were highly advanced civilizations both found by european explorers


  • Human sacrifice 

  • Capital Tenochtitlan

  • Fell from disease (smallpox) from explores 


  • Andes MT

  • Had no written language (Quipu) 

  • Fell from invasion 


Who is Henry VIII? why is he important?

Started the church of england because he wanted a divorce 

he had 6 wives, some of them beheaded and others died


Who is Vasco da Gama? and why is he important? 

Where was he from: portugal 

Where did he explore: india 

Was he successful: finding sea route to china 

How did he die: malaria  


who is Francis Drake

Where was he from: england 

Where did he explore: first englishman to circumnavigation of the world 

Was he successful: went all around the world and explored the west coast of america 

How did he die: disontary 


What were the causes and effects of the Protestant Reformation?

  • Challenged Chrisitan authorities (the list of complaints 

  • Corruption of the church 

  • Ancient texts 

  • Political and religious wars / fights 


What factors made the conquest of the Aztec and Inca possible?


  • The spaniards had advanced weaponry  and trained fighter and inca just got wiped out from lack of advancements 


  • Disease from the spaniards took a toll on the aztec empire defense 


who is Ferdinand Magellan? and why is he important?

He circumnavigated all around the world

got killed, in the carbons with a poison arow and most of his people died of scurvy and warfare.


Who is Ponce de Leon?

Where was he from: spain 

Where did he explore: florida, puerto rico, and bahamas ( fountain of youth)  

Was he successful: reaching florida and coming back again

How did he die:  second time the natives resisted and shot him with poisonous arrow


who is Samuel de Champlain

Where was he from: france 

Where did he explore: found great lakes and new york and cape cod 

Was he successful: great lakes and founding city of quebec 

How did he die: stroke 


What did the Catholic Church do in response to the Protestant Reformation?

  • Purge itself of abuse 

  • Define the religious doctrine 

  • New religious orders 

  • Arguments outside the church


Who is Hernan Cortes? and why is he important? 

Conquistador, leads the conquest of the Aztecs


Who is Amerigo Vespucci

Where was he from: Italy 

Where did he explore: south america and north america coast 

Was he successful: america is named after him, and he realized it was continent 

How did he die: malaria 


who is King Ferdinand and

Queen Isabella

The first ones to fund voyages to the sailors voying west to the new world, they brought the new world, money for the conquistadors and all spanish speakers are funded by them.


What was the Columbian Exchange? Was it a net negative or net positive thing? Explain your answer with historical evidence.

They exchanged the goods from the old world and new world. 

It is more net negative because it increased slavery, death and disease.
