A Tennessee man votes to pass the 19th amendment because of a call from his mothe
Harry Burns
“How the Other Half Lives”
voting in private without fear of coercion
Secret Ballot
Roosevelt read reports of people dying from medicines and knew they needed to be tested
Food and Drug Act (FDA)
Party created by Theodore Roosevelt that split the Republican Party (x2 points for both names)
The Bull Moose Party and The Progressive Party
Muckraker who investigated into J.D. Rockefeller and Standard Oil
Ida Tarbell
Wrote by Upton Sinclair who worked in a meat factory, exposing inhumane things
”The Jungle”
Allows Voters to from remove office a sitting government official
Targeted railroads in by having a standardized amount posted outside the station
Hepburn Act
Alcohol was illegal to produce and consume
18th amendment
Inherited a coal strike when he took office, the 1st time that the government/president was the mediator in a conflicts, but became known as the “Square Deal”
Theodore Roosevelt
Wrote by Lincoln Steffens, discussing sanitation issues in cities and the reason we have sewer systems today
Voters select a party‘s candidate for public office
Direct Primary
All meat plants must meet all sanitary regulations to prevent more issues
Meat Inspection Act
Lowest tariff/tax for imports in American history, meant less money for the US government so American taxes were increased
Underwood-Simmons Tariff
Republican president who created the Labor Department
William Howard Taft
Described the lynchings in the south, written by Ida B. Wells, but wasn’t successful
“Southern Horrors”
Allows citizens to vote on changes to existing laws
Federal Reserve Act
Place that Russia and Japan fought over that had an abundance of natural resources
The 1st progressive governor, “Fighting Bob” fought for small businesses
Robert LaFollette
Called out Booker T. Washington for selling out the black race, wrote by W.E.S. who wanted a more aggressive approach by using the legal system
“The Soul of Black Folks”
Allows citizens to purpose new laws
Mandate that factories can not hire kids below the age of 18, end of child labor
Keating-Owen Act
Put in place by Taft to send money and goods to countries to supposedly support them but was really a way to use for what we needed because they depended on the US. (2x points for both names)
“Dollars for Diplomacy“ or “Dollars for Bullets”