What was the black death?
It was a contagious disease
What colour was the York rose?
What happened during the Renaissance?
People stopped believing in the Church, because they had more access to information.
What was viking`s religion?
They where Polytheistic
He died of explosive diahrrea ( dysentery ) .
How did the Black Death transmit?
By rats and rotten food
What does the red & white rose mean and who created it?
It's a mix in between the York rose and the Lancaster rose, which Henry VII created to unite both houses
What was a key invention for spreading information?
Who created it?
The printing press
Johaness Gutenberg
What countries did the region of scandinavia include?
Norway,Sweden and Denmark
What was the Magna Carta?
it was the first document to put into writing the principle that the king and his government was not above the law.
How many people did the Black Death kill?
2/3 of the population
Who was Henry V's son?
Henry VI
What was the cradle of the renaissance?
What was the law of primogenit?
The firstborn heir all the goods of the family and he must be man.
Who created the Magna Carta?
a group of Barons.
How did the Black Death start?
Who tried to talk with Henry VI?
Richard of York
What were the four masters of the renaissance?
Michelangelo, Raphael, Leonardo and Donatello.
Why did the Vikings sail away from Scandinavia?
They didn`t want to be christian,they need resources, beetween them food and because the primogenit law.
Why was the Magna Carta created?
Because King John was taking the rights of the peasants.
How was the Black Death use as a weapon?
People threw dead bodies infected with the plague to their enemies
What was the wife of Henry VI named and where was she from?
Margaret d'anjou, a french princess
Who was the father of modern philosophy?
Nicolas Maquiavelo
Who was an important character in history,who was born in Normandy and descended from the Vikings?
William the conqueror.
Did King John want to sign the Magna Carta?
He technically he did not. Instead, he agreed to it by putting his wax seal at the bottom, which was the equivalent of a signature.