The 16th Amendment ?
What is Tax Income
Progressive Era
what is turn of the century political movement interested in furthering social and political reform, curbing political corruption caused by political machines, and limiting the political influence of large corporations.
what was Theodore Roosevelt quote
what is Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far.
The 17th Amendment ?
What is the election of the senators.
1912 Election Republican Candidate
who is Theodore Roosevelt
what does Bully Pulpit mean ?
what is He used bully to mean excellent or wonderful and pulpit to refer to a platform or position of authority, so bully pulpit means a powerful platform that allows someone, like the president, to promote their agenda and influence public opinion.
The 18th Amendment ?
sale or transport of alcohol.
1912 Election Democratic Candidate
who is Woodrow Wilson
what was the goal of Progressive Party ?
what is, It was to address the issues caused by rapid industrialization and urbanization.
The 19th Amendment ?
what is Women's rights.
1912 Election Progressive Candidate
who is Bull Moose
What was another name for the progressive era?
what is Bull moose party.
what is repeal of prohibition.
1912 Election Socialist Candidate
who is William Howard Taft
Why did Theodore Roosevelt want to construct the Panama Canal?
what is, he wanted to construct the Panama canal to significantly reduce travel time for the naval can commercial ships between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.