When was the Declaration of Independence made?
Taking a #2 on the toilet
How did Elvis die?
March 1796
When was Napoleon gifted his first army?
Archduke Franz Ferdindad of Austria-Hungary's assassination
Who started WWI?
Religious freedom and didn't like their ruler
Why did the settlers leave England?
Priscilla Bealieu
Who was Elvis's first wife?
July 1, 1798
When did Napoleon go to Egypt?
Adolf Hitler
Who started WWII?
Who was the first king of England?
July 21, 1861
When did the battle of Bull Run happen?
Colonel Tom Parker
Who was Elvis's first manager?
August 15, 1769
When is Napoleon's birthday?
North Vietnamese torpedo attacked US destroyers
How did the Vietnam war start?
August 4, 1914
When did the British enter WW1?
Christmas Day 1776
When did George Washington cross the Delaware River?
Hound Dog
What is Elvis's biggest hit song?
May 5th 1821
When did Napoleon die?
Germany invaded Poland on September 1st 1939
How did the Phoney War start?
King Charles III
Who was the 201st king of England?
April 19, 1775 – September 3, 1783
When did the American Revolution happen?
Lisa Marie Presley
Who was Elvis's child?
March 12 1947-December 3 1989
When did the Cold War start and ended?
Queen Elizabeth
Who was the 200th king or queen of England?