What was the first plague
Water Turning to Blood
What material was Noah's ark made of.
What two animals did Noah send out to check for land?
A Raven and a Dove
Warm water + Cold continents equals what
Powerful Snowstorms
Put the events in order of when they happened: Plagues, Ice Age, Flood
Flood, Ice Age, Plagues
What was the last plague Death of the Firstborn or Darkness.
Death of the Firstborn
How many days and nights did it rain for
40days and 40 nights
What symbol did God use to represent his promise to the people to never flood the Earth again?
A Rainbow
What was the ice age
A time when a large area is covered in ice because of glacial activity
How much Neanderthal is in average human DNA
Witch plague was Livestock Disease
Why did God Flood the Earth?
The Earth was corrupt in God's sight
What did God promise
To never again flood the earth to that scale.
What rule states that animals are larger in cold weather
Bergmann's Rule
How long ago was the Egyptian form of toothpaste used
5,000 B.C.
What was the 8th plague
In what year of Noah's life did the springs of the great deep burst forth.
In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life
What were some things that happened to the earth as a result of the flood.
There was extensive volcanic activity and warm oceans
What percent of the earth was covered by ice
Name at least two ingredients in Egyptian toothpaste
myrrh, oxen, hooves, water, pumice, and eggshells
Why did God send the Plagues of Egypt
Pharoah would not listen to God and let his people go
How many cubits long, how many cubits wide, and how many cubits high.
measuring 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, and 30 cubits high.
Who repopulated the earth?
Noah and his family
Two things needed to create an Ice Age
More precipitation and cold continents
Name at least two ingredients of Egyptian breath mints
frankincense, myrrh, cinnamon, honey