Magna Carta
Famous for being such a terrible king that no English king since has been given his name 

King John, also known as John Lackland or John Softsword 

King John met his rebellious barons at Runnymede to _________

sign the Magna Carta 



An act by which the pope declares that a person is cast out of the Catholic Church, indicating their soul is in danger of going to hell 


Year the Magna Carta was signed 



Full name of the Capetian King who was responsible for unifying France 

King Philip II Augustus 

Grew up in Aquitaine, France, hearing troubadour stories of chivalry. He spent only 6 months of his 10-year reign as king in his country, emptying royal revenues to go on the III Crusade.  

King Richard the Lionheart 


What event led to the loss of King John's territories in France and his failed attempt to regain them in 1204?

His marriage to Isabella of Angouleme was a breach of feudal custom, and when King Philip exercised his power as the leige lord to the king of England, John failed to appear. After that, Philip successfully captured provinces held by King John. 


This empire was created when Henry II came to the throne, and was expanded upon his marriage. It extended English rule from Ireland down to the Pyrenees. 

Angevin Empire 


State the legal precept inherent in clause 38: 

In future no official shall place a man on trial upon his own unsupported statement, without producing credible witnesses to the truth of it.

No trial without evidence 

What members of the Plantagenet family did King Philip make an alliance with to undermine English power in France? 

1. King Richard

2. King John 


Known for her beauty, intelligence, and culture, she had been married to the king of France before divorcing him. One of the wealthiest women in Europe. 

Eleanor of Aquitaine 


In 1214, King John attempted to regain his diminished territorial holdings by _______ 

invading France 


The act of a pope to suspend almost all religious services in a country; used to bring rebellious monarchs under control. 



What development did Clause 12 lead to?

Clause 12: 

No 'scutage' or 'aid' may be levied in our kingdom without its general consent, unless it is for the ransom of our person, to make our eldest son a knight, and (once) to marry our eldest daughter. For these purposes only a reasonable 'aid' may be levied. 'Aids' from the city of London are to be treated similarly.

The need for representation for taxation, which led to the development of Parliament as nobles had to be assembled in order for the king to ask them for money


King Philip was born of the _______ line of kings. 



This king marks the beginning of Plantagenet rule and the beginning of the Angevin Empire. His mother descended from William the Conqueror, and his father was Geoffrey Plantagenet of the House of Anjou (which had territories in France including ANjou, Maine, and Touraine). 

Henry II 


On his return from the 3rd Crusade, Richard the Lionheart was imprisoned by the Duke of Austria and held for ransom. What were King John and Philip Augustus' responses? 

John: spread rumors that King Richard was dead and tried to claim the throne

Philip: invade Plantagenet holdings in France 


A fee paid by nobles in lieu of performing their vassal obligation to their lord of providing military service 



What did King John do after he signed the Magna Carta to undermine it? 

Copies were sent to Pope Innocent the III, who decalled the charter null and void because it undermined the office of the king

In the Battle of Bouvines, what 3 forces opposed King Philip of France ?

You can name the country or the leader 

1. England (though John was not present). 

2. Count Ferrand of Flanders

3. Emperor Otto IV of the Holy Roman Empire


Called the "Helen of Troy of the Medieval Age," this young heiress had been engaged to a French count, Hugh de Lusignan, who was waiting for her to come of age before they married. However, King John had no such scruples and married the engaged girl. 

Isabella of Angouleme 


What three measures did Pope Innocent III take to win his side in his quarrel with King John regarding the appointment of the archbishop of Canterbury?

1. Interdict 

2. Excommunication 

3. Decree of Deposition 


The poets and musicians from the High Middle Ages (11th–13th centuries) who composed and performed lyric poetry. They are celebrated for their contributions to medieval culture, especially for their exploration of themes such as courtly love, chivalry, and political satire.



What were the three reasons the Magna Carta was significant for England's nationalization?

1. Established that the king was beneath the law

2. Established a "community of the realm," which bound citizens with a common identity based on law and rights

3. Led to the development of Parliament 


Identify who this is about and what the literary form is: 

"When I see the fair weather return,—and leaf and flower appear,—love gives me hardiesse—and heart and skill to sing;—

then, since I do not want matter,—I will make a stinging song,—which I will send yonder for a present,—to King John, to make him ashamed.

And well he ought to be ashamed,—if he remember his ancestors,—how he has left here Poitou and Touraine—to King Philip, without asking for them-

Wherefore all Guienne laments—King Richard, who in its defense—would have laid out much gold and much silver;

—but this man does not appear to me to care much for it.

Sirventes, a type of poem or song composed by troubadours in the medieval period, particularly in the Occitan-speaking regions (modern southern France). It was often satirical or political in nature, serving as a vehicle for expressing opinions on current events, moral issues, or individuals.
