A spiritual Teacher who preached on salvation, love, and forgiveness. His life and teachings led to the emergence of Christianity.
Bonus Points What is this person's real name
Jesus Christ
(Jesus is the English translation from Hebrew)
What was the Tea act and its purpose?
Bonus what did it lead to?
An act to increase prices of Tea
Lead to Boston Tea Party
Who was credited on the invention of the lightbulb
Bonus Question
Name 1 more person that was credited
Thomas Edison
Alessandro Volta
Humphrey Davy
Joseph Swan
Ask not what your country can do for you -- ask what you can do for your country
John F Kennedy
Who drew Chora Profile Picture
Who is considered one of the best Military strategists in history.
This person created the biggest empire to this day
This Empire stretched from Macedonia to Egypt and from Greece to part of India
Bonus Question
What is this person's full name.
Alexander The Great
Alexander III of Macedon
What paper, sent to England, started the American Revolution?
Bonus Points Who was the main author of this paper
The Decleration of Independence
Thomas Jefferson
Who Invented the telephone
Bonus question
What did this person also contribute to
Alexander Graham Bell
Made contributions to aerodynamics
His experiments with kites helped lay the foundation for future aviation pioneers. He mentored the Wright brothers and invested money in their early flight.
"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others"
"An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind"
Bonus Question
Who did this person influence in the USA
Martin Luther King Jr
Last year who did Chora ask to be his valentines
The whole discord server
Led Roman armies in the Gallic Wars
Nearly doubled the size of Roman lands
Won many battles for Rome
Has a play written by Shakespear.
This person was in a romantic relationship to a King/Queen of an African Country that reshaped each other's country. Who is this person?
Julius Caesar
Who became President after Abraham Lincoln was assassinated?
Bonus Points
What is the name of the person that assassinated Abe
Andrew Johnson
Bonus Points John Wilkes Booth
This person created the theory of evolution by natural selection
This challenged the literal interpretation of the biblical creation story, causing controversy and leading many religious communities to grapple with how to reconcile their beliefs with the scientific evidence for evolution
What Animal did this person spend 8 years studying
Charles Darwin
"I am the punishment of God... If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you"
"Conquering the world on horseback is easy; it is dismounting and governing that is hard"
Bonus Question
This person killed so many people. How did this effect earth?
Genghis Khan
killed an estimated 40 million people, resulting in a man-made climate change. The Mongol invasion effectively cooled the planet, scrubbing around 700 million tons of carbon from the atmosphere.
Chora put up a poll less than a month ago.
What was the 2 choices for voting?
This person is known for leading the French to victory at Orléans during the Hundred Years' War.
Transcended Gender Roles
In 1920 this person was canonized as a ...
Joan of Arc
A saint
USA Flag
What does the 50 Stars Represent
What does the 13 stripes represent?
What does each of the 3 colors represent?
Bonus Points
Who wrote the Star Spangle Banner
50 Stars represents the 50 states
13 Stripes Represents the 13 original colonies
Red symbolizes valor and bravery
White symbolizes purity and innocence
Blue represents vigilance, perseverance, and justice
Written by Francis Scott Key
This person envisioned the first airplane, conceptualized a helicopter, a tank, concentrated solar power, a calculator, the double hull – and plate tectonics – while advancing the study of anatomy, civil engineering, optics, and hydrodynamics – all detailed centuries before modern science would prove him right.
Bonus Question
What is the name of his most famous painting
Leonardo Da Vinci
Mona Lisa
''It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves."
"Hell is empty and all the devils are here"
''No legacy is so rich as honesty.”
Bonus Name me 3 plays
William Shakespeare
Daddy Chora will have it on his phone to see if the plays you said were correct
Last Jeopardy that Chora made what was the answer to the final question.
2.5 FT
Wrote a book on war strategy that details how to engage in conflict and battle.
The principles of this book are applied in business, politics, and everyday life.
Each chapter describes specific lines of attack to use in different circumstances.
What is the name of this book
Sun Tzu
Art of War
The Constitution was written to replace this document
Bonus Points
Why was the (Answer) Replaced?
At Least 2 reasons
The Articles of Confederation
Invented the cotton gin which made it easier to separate cotton fiber from seeds, which led to the expansion of cotton farming in the South.
This person made one of the first applications of mass production methods. What was the mass production of?
Eli Whitney
"United we stand, divided we fall."
“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”
“Please all, and you will please none.”
Name me 3 fables
Chora will be able to see all the fable with his phone under the table that is next to the stable that has 2 sets of labels when pulled will enable him to access the cable that controls the Wi-Fi
For Chesco. Chora's nickname was due to mispronunciation. What was my initial nickname?
For Misha
Our first deep conversation. What was the topic?
For Chesco - Joda
For Misha- If humans are innately good or evil