Which word means the study of the past?
Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John wrote about actual events
Internal evidence
External evidence?
Big idea of history as a whole is....
The biblical view of history is cyclical or linear?
He marked out their ________ times in history
What word means an idea or opinion formed before enough information is available to make a valid conclusion
Archeologists finding Peter's house.
Internal evidence
External evidence?
The metanarrative of the Bible has 4 main themes. What are they - in order?
The Fall
What was the requirement to be an apostle / disciple?
a) being unmarried
b) having spent time with Jesus
c) knowing Aramaic and Greek languages
b) having spent time with Jesus
He marked out their appointed times in history and the _____________ of their lands
What word means evidence within Scripture that corroborates biblical claims
Internal Evidence
The gospels were written by eyewitnesses of the events of Jesus.
Internal evidence
External evidence?
Which part of the metanarrative of the Bible is about Jesus, the promised messiah coming to earth to pay the penalty of our sins and save us from God's wrath?
Which worldview sees history as social progress through only human effort?
He marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. God did this so that they would _______________ him.
What word means physical proof of persons or events mentioned in Scripture.
External Evidence
Historian, Josephus, wrote about Jesus.
Internal evidence
External evidence?
External Evidence
Explain how the Fall is such an important part of the metanarrative .
Answers vary but should include how it introduced SIN into the world and now we are all born with a SIN NATURE.
Which worldview sees history as a struggle between the have and have - nots?
He marked out their appointed times in history and boundaries of their lands God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps ________________ for him and _____________ him.
reach, find
What word means an overarching story of events that provides a structure for people's beliefs (in the Bible)
Dead Sea Scrolls which are 2,000 years old have the same words of the Old Testament that our Bibles contain today.
Internal evidence
External evidence?
Which part of the metanarrative of the Bible explains how "at an appointed time in the future, God will bring all humanity before Jesus for reward or punishment."
Which worldview sees history as somewhat fictional made up by biased historians to support their positions.
Postmodernism (especially Nihilism)
He marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not .........
far from any one of us.