Lincoln's Assassination
Black Codes
Restricting Voting Rights

The ____________ era was when the US had to rebuild the South after the Civil War.

The Reconstruction era was when the US had to rebuild the South after the Civil War.


Where was Lincoln assassinated?

Ford's Theater


Which amendment abolished slavery?

The 13th Amendment abolished slavery.


What were the Black Codes?

Laws passed in Southern states that restricted the rights of African Americans in order to maintain control over them after the passage of the 13th amendment


Even though the __ Amendment granted African American men the right to vote, Southern states passed laws trying to stop African Americans from voting.

Even though the 15th Amendment granted African American men the right to vote, Southern states passed laws trying to stop African Americans from voting.


The ________ _________ were a group that believed the South should be harshly punished and fought to gain and protect the rights of Freedmen.

The Radical Republicans were a group that believed the South should be harshly punished and fought to gain and protect the rights of Freedmen.


Who assassinated Lincoln?

John Wilkes Booth


Which amendment granted African American men the right to vote?

The 15th Amendment granted African American men the right to vote.


Describe one of the Black Codes.

African Americans weren't allowed to buy land.

African Americans could be arrested if they didn't have a job.


What is a Poll Tax?

A requirement that citizens pay a tax in order to register to vote


The R__________ A__ was a harsh plan of reconstruction passed by the Radical Republicans that made it difficult for former confederate states to rejoin the union

The Reconstruction Act was a harsh plan of reconstruction passed by the Radical Republicans that made it difficult for former confederate states to rejoin the union


What play was Lincoln watching when he was shot?

Our American Cousin


Which amendment granted citizenship to African Americans?

The 14th Amendment granted citizenship to African Americans.


____________ was a system used on southern farms after the Civil War in which farmers worked land owned by someone else in return for a small portion of the crops.

(Basically, renting farmland with crops instead of money)

Sharecropping was a system used on southern farms after the Civil War in which farmers worked land owned by someone else in return for a small portion of the crops.


What is a literacy test?

(Literacy means the ability to read and write)

A requirement that citizens prove they are literate in order to vote.

Lincoln wanted the Southern States to rejoin the Union quickly, so he proposed the __ ________ Plan which let states rejoin if __ _______ of their citizens pledged an oath of allegiance to the US.

Lincoln wanted the Southern States to rejoin the Union quickly, so he proposed the Ten Percent Plan which let states rejoin if ten percent of their citizens pledged an oath of allegiance to the US.


Who became president after Lincoln died?

Andrew Johnson


Some whites couldn't afford to pay a poll tax or pass a literacy test, but they were allowed to vote anyway because of the ________ _______. 

This allowed people to vote if their father or grandfather had voted before Reconstruction.

Some whites couldn't afford to pay a poll tax or pass a literacy test, but they were allowed to vote anyway because of the Grandfather Clause. 

This allowed people to vote if their father or grandfather had voted before Reconstruction.


What did each amendment do?




13th- Abolished slavery (freed the slaves)

14th- Granted citizenship to former slaves

15th- Granted the right to vote for African American men
