How was divided Mexico? (2 sides)
Conservatives and liberals
When did Porfirio Díaz became president for the first time?
in 1877
In how many stages is the Mexican Revolution divided? Name them.
1.The armed conflict
2. La convención or Guerra Civil
3. Gobiernos post revolucionarios
who's this?
Porfirio Díaz
What was the Plan de Tacubaya and who created it?
It was created by Felix María Zuluoaga
He was born in Oaxaca on March 21, 1906,
Who were the faces of the Mexican Revolution? Mention 3
Francisco I. Madero, Emiliano Zapata, Francisco Villa, Venustiano Carranza and Alvaro Obregón, Los hermanos Flores Magón, Carmen Serdán, Pascual Orozco and Felipe Ángeles
Who's this and what's his nickname?
Emiliano Zapata, known as the Caudillo del Sur
Who was the president for each side?
Benito Juarez for the liberals
Felix Zuloaga for the conservatives
What national difficulties did Benito Juarez have to face?
Imperialist outbreaks and road insecurity
What was the slogan of Porfirio Díaz?
Orden, Paz y Progreso
What did Francisco I. Madero want with the plan of San Luis?
Annul the elections of June 1910
Have new, free and democratic elections
Guarantee people's rights to effective suffrage
Return the lands that had been taken away from them by the land owners
Who's him and what's his nickname?
Francisco o Pancho Villa known as El Centauro del Norte
When did the triumphant liberals enter Mexico City?
in January 1861
After the death of Benito Juarez on July 1872, who was chosen as president?
Sebastián Lerdo de Tejada
What industries were boosted by the foreign investment?
Textile, Oil, Beer, Rail industry and agriculture
Who belonged to the Convencionistas and to the constitucionalistas?
Convencionistas - Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata
Constitucionalistas - Venustiano Carranza and Álvaro Obregón
Who's him and what's his slogan?
Name the treaties that the conservatives and liberals signed with foreign countries, and what were those countries?
Conservatives with Spain - Treaty Mon - Almonte
Liberals with USA - Treaty McLane Ocampo
in 1871, Juarez was chosen president again, What was the plan with which Porfirio Diaz stood against indefinite re-election?
Plan de la Noria
What happened to the economical crisis during the porfiriato?
The external debt was reduced and México had its first superávit
What was la decena trágica?
10 days where Mexico city suffered the effects of the armed conflict and political betrayal that resulted in the death of Francisco I. Madero and José Ma. Pino Suarez
Who's this?
Ignacio Comonfort