He led the government during the Golden Age.
How was ancient Greek democracy different from American democracy today?
All citizens voted on every issue.
They inherited power from a relative.
How did Greek scientists make their most important discoveries?
They observed and asked questions.
Which Famous greek, who wrote about the past, was called "The Father of History?"
How would a man become a member of Athens’s Council of 500?
He was selected to serve on the council.
They came to power with the support of the military and poor people.
Why was Mount Olympus important to the Greeks?
They thought the gods lived there
These two Greek Scientists wrote about lines, circles, and squares. Name one.
Pythagoras and Euclid
Who made the most important government decisions in Sparta?
the Council of Elders
This government was made up of "a few" wealthy people.
Why was the Parthenon built?
to honor the goddess Athena
This Philosopher created a system to divide plants and animals into groups.
How did the citizens of Athens get enough grain to eat?
They shipped local products to Egypt to trade.
What might an oligarch do on an ordinary day?
take part in a chariot race
A 12-year-old Athenian girl would most likely get her education
from her mother.
This Philosopher was arrested for asking questions that seemed to dishonor the gods and forced to take Hemlock.
Why did the Greeks agree every four years to stop fighting for a brief period?
to let athletes go to the Olympics
The United States copied this form of government from Ancient Athens
The word alphabet comes from
the first two letters of the Greek alphabet.