Hominid 101
Key Capabilities
Hominid Locations
When Each Lived
Hominid Patterns
This hominid's name means "Handy Man."
Who is Homo habilis?
This is the one capability that all hominids had in common.
What is being bipedal, or being a biped?
The continent where all hominids are thought to have first lived.
What is Africa?
The oldest hominid, Australopithecus afarensis, lived during this time.
What is 3-4 million years ago?
This one important feature seemed to grow as hominids progressed, which helped them create more complex tools.
What is the brain?
This hominid's name means "Upright Man."
Who is Homo erectus?
This hominid had the ability to make the most complex tools, including the bow and arrow, fish hooks, and paint brushes.
Who is Homo sapiens sapiens?
This hominid migrated to all continents, except Antarctica.
Who is Homo sapiens sapiens?
Two hominids lives' overlapped on the evolutionary timeline.
Who are Homo neanderthalensis and Homo sapiens sapiens?
Over time, hominid tools became...
What is more complex?
This hominid's name means "Doubly Wise Man."
Who is Homo sapiens sapiens?
Creating simple tools from rocks was a way to help this hominid retrieve more meat from hunted animals and to help defend himself from predators.
Who was Homo habilis?
These 2 hominids stayed on the continent of Africa, without the ability to migrate great distances.
Who are Australopithecus afarensis and Homo habilis?
I am the 2nd oldest hominid, living from 1.5-2 Million years ago.
Who is Homo habilis, or Handy Man?
Over time, how did hominid's living patterns change?
What is that they began living in communities, and began taking care of one another (sick, injured, burials).
Name the order our hominids appeared.
What is Australopithecus afarensis, Homo habilis, Homo erectus, Homo sapiens neanderthalensis, and Homo sapiens, sapiens?
This hominid created the torch and the hand ax, which were important for these reasons.
What is that they could cook their meat, defend themselves, travel to colder climates, and build shelters? Must provide at least 3 reasons.
Fire allowed this hominid to live in 3 different continents. Name the hominid and the continents.
Who is Homo erectus, and he lived in Africa, Europe, and Asia.
I lived between 230,000 and 30,000 years ago.
Who is Homo neanderthalensis?
Over time, how were hominids better able to feed themselves and live longer?
What is that they lived in communities - that they hunted together, searched for food together, took care of one another? Provide at least 2 examples.
Australopithecus afarensis means this.
What is "Southern Ape?"
As hominids advanced, their tools did as well. Describe 3 hominids and explain how each hominid's weapon was more advanced than the one before it.
What is: habilis: sharp rock erectus: hand ax (created with more than 1 element) neanderthal: spear (more than 1 element; greater distances) sapiens: bow/arrow (many elements, greatest distance, better accuracy/safety)
These hominids, though sturdy and adapted to harsh environments, did not travel beyond 3 continents.
Who are Homo erectus and Homo neanderthalensis?
Homo erectus, or Upright Man, lived during this time.
What is between 1.8 million and 200,000 BCE?
As hominids evolved, their lives became more complex. Explain how Homo sapiens sapiens was/is the most complex hominid of the 5 we've studied.
What is that they have the most developed weapon, that they had a big sense of community (take care of, bury, heal), they have a language, they create art? Must have 2/3 examples.