The first people to record health records
The father of medicine
This person is the founder of modern nursing
Promoted by a well-balanced diet, regular exercise and avoiding drugs and alcohol
physical wellness
Therapeutic use of fragrances to alter mood and restore the mind, body and spirit
These were the first people to stress that good diet and cleanliness would prevent disease
ancient Greeks
This person used disinfectant and antiseptics during surgery to prevent infection
Joseph Lister
This person discovered the vaccine for polio
Jonas Salk
social wellness
Therapy that teaches breathing and muscle relaxation to quiet the mind
These people believed in the need to cure spirit and nourish the body
ancient Chinese
This person discovered how to pasteurize milk to kill bacteria, vaccine for rabies, microorganisms cause disease
Louis Pasteur
This person described the circulation of blood
William Harvey
Promoted by understanding personal feelings and expressing them appropriately
emotional wellness
Therapy that uses pets to enhance health and stimulate an interest in life
pet therapy
This time period is called the "rebirth of the science of medicine."
This person developed a vaccine for smallpox
Edward Jenner
This person invented the microscope
Anton van Leeuwenhoek
Promoted by using values, ethics, and morals
spiritual wellness
Therapy that involves insertion of thin needles into specific points in the body
Public health and sanitation systems were first developed by
Ancient Romans
This person invented the stethoscope
Rene Laennec
These two people discovered the structure of DNA
Francis Crick and James Watson
Promoted by being creative, logical, curious and open-minded
Type of treatment that uses water for healing purposes