Lead many slaves to freedom in the North through a net work of people and hiding places
Harriet Tubman
Many Irish people came to American to get away from this
A famine
Religious movement that emphasized that each individual was responsible for their own actions and to prove their faith trough their actions
Second Great Awakening
The name of people who fought for the removal of slavery
At the time, when women got married this is what happed to their property
It became their husband's
Started an all-female academy in Hartford Connecticut
Catharine Beecher
Many Germans came to America to escape this
persecution for the political activities
Movement that tried to get people to stop drinking hard liquor
Temperance Movement
The most common ways people tried to convince other about the problems of slavery
writing various works and going of speaking tours
The most common ways people tried to convince other advocate for women's rights
Writing various works and going on speaking tours
Sisters who fought for abolition as well as women's rights
Angelina and Sarah Grimke
This party made it difficult for immigrate to become citizens or hold public office
Know-Nothing party
The movement that lead to the creation of mental institutions to help those with cognitive disabilities
A net work of people who arranged transportation and hiding places for fugitive or escaped slaves
The Underground Railroad
traditionaly masculine professions
Many problems came about because of the increase in population such as the creation of these poorly designed apartment buildings
Movement that wanted all children to be taught in a common place, regardless of background
Common-school movement
The rule that forbade Congress from talking about ending slavery
The gag rule
The first public meeting about woman's rights in the United States
Seneca Fall Convention
Escaped slave who wrote many autobiographies to show the injustices of slavery
The rise of industry lead to the families of manufactures, professionals, and master crafts people to become this
The middle class
After misstatement of African Americans from the Methodist, they broke off from them and created this church
The African Methodist Episcopal Church
This organization wanted the immediate emancipation and racial equality for African Americans
American Anti-Slavery Society
Document that detailed beliefs about social injustice toward women, included 18 charges against men
Declaration of Sentiments