Acts and Taxes
The Boston Tea Party
The Two Continental Congresses
The Declaration of Independence
From Lessons 1-3 Check

It was taxed on every piece of printed paper. This included legal documents, newspapers, licenses, and playing cards

What is Stamp Act?


The colonists' reaction at the Boston Tea Party.

The colonists disguised themselves as Indians, boarded British ships in the Boston Harbor, and threw 342 chests of tea into the water.


Colonists were furious over the Intolerable Acts. The _____________________ produced a great deal of writings about ____________________ so that all colonists would be informed.

What is Committees of Correspondence and Britain's unjust policies?


A _______________________ which included Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Robert Livingston, set out to write the document.

What is the Committee of Five?


However, some colonists were in favor of the taxes. List one thing.

Their were loyal.


It established a system for collecting taxes, have import tax, removed export tax, and the Tariffs were raised.

What is the Townshend Acts?


On the morning of December 16, 1773, __________led by the ______________ that planned an open show of rebellion.

What is Samuel Adams and the Sons of Liberty?


John Dickinson of Pennsylvania _________________________.

What is argued about independence?


The two points that you think that were included in the Declaration of Independence.
Note: Answer is different and the answer is going to be on the assessment.

The colonists wanted to make their own laws and decided how to do business with the colonies.

Identify and describe why the American Revolution officially began.

The British tried to take ammunition that colonists had stored in Lexington. Someone fired a shot and shots were returned.


The year of the tax of the Stamp Act.

What is year 1765?


The colonists did not want to be ________ to ___________ from one company.

What is forced and buy tea?


Thomas Clifford said that _______________________________.

What is that independence would assuredly prove unprofitable?


The ideas of the Declaration of Independence became the ____________________.

The foundation of American democracy.

Explain why the colonists referred to the Coercive Acts as the Intolerable Acts.

The Coercive Acts shut down Boston's economy. This was unbearable or intolerable to the Patriots.


This act placed a tax on tea.

What is Tea Act?


The _______________ and other __________ destroyed tea at the Boston Tea Party to protest tax on tea.

What is Sons of Liberty and the colonists?

The commander in chief of the Continental army.

What is George Washington?


It can be divided into three parts.

What is the Preamble, the charges against King George III, and the formal statement of separation from the British government?


Identify two effects, or reasons, for the cause provided below.

Cause: The king violated the rights of the colonists.

They wrote the Declaration of Independence and the colonies united.


The year of the Townshend Act.

What is year 1767?


Today, the tea that was destroyed would be worth more than ______________ dollars. The event became known as the _________________.

What is 1 million and the Boston Tea Party?


The Congress decided to try again to ________________________________ between the colonies and Great Britain.

What is to try again to peacefully resolve the problems?


The fifty-six delegates could have been accused of __________ by the British government and hanged.

What is treason?


Draw inferences about how King George III might have reacted as he read the Declaration of Independence.

I think King George III have felt furious in a negative way.
