Who is Queen Elizabeth's father?
Henry VIII
What was strange about the ruler of England that followed Edward VI after his death?
England never had a woman on the throne.
What is the group of representatives who help the ruler of England make laws?
True or False?
When she was born, Mary was named the Princess of Wales, and she kept this title throughout her life.
When Mary was queen, what did she do to her sister Elizabeth?
Mary imprisoned her in the Tower of London.
Who is Queen Elizabeth's sister?
Why was Mary an unpopular queen?
She demanded allegiance to the Catholic Church; she married a foreign prince; and she burned 300 men at the stake.
What do we call the time period that Queen Elizabeth ruled England?
The Elizabethan Age.
True or False?
When Mary died, the people of England sang and danced in the streets.
What was strange about the ruler of England that followed Edward VI after his death?
England never had a woman on the throne.
Who is Queen Elizabeth's brother?
Edward VI
What did people call Queen Mary?
"Bloody Mary"
What did Elizabeth do as the ruler of England?
-Made alliances with other countries
-Sent explorers out to claim undiscovered land
-Defended England against invasion
True or False?
Mary's husband, Philip, offered to marry Elizabeth after Mary died.
Why was Mary an unpopular queen?
She demanded allegiance to the Catholic Church; she married a foreign prince; and she burned 300 men at the stake.
When Mary was queen, what did she do to her sister Elizabeth?
Mary imprisoned her in the Tower of London.
What did the people of England want Elizabeth to do after she became queen?
The people wanted Elizabeth to get married.
How was Elizabeth different from most Renaissance rulers?
Queen Elizabeth did not make people of England swear that they were Catholics or Protestants.
True or False?
Elizabeth reigned in England for 65 years.
What did Elizabeth do as the ruler of England?
-Made alliances with other countries
-Sent explorers out to claim undiscovered land
-Defended England against invasion
How old was Edward VI when Henry VIII died?
Edward was 9 years old
What did people call Queen Elizabeth?
Good Queen Bess
Why was Elizabeth determined not to marry?
Because she knew if she did, her husband would be the ruler of England. Elizabeth did not want to give up any of her power, so she said that she was married to England.
True or False?
During this time, most people thought women were wiser, smarter, and stronger.
Why was Elizabeth determined to not marry?
Because she knew if she did, her husband would be the ruler of England. Elizabeth did not want to give up any of her power, so she said that she was married to England.