a manmade waterway that connect two bodies of water
Wrote the poem that becomes America's national anthem
said that the European nations should not form new colonies in the Americas
focused on shipping and manufacturing
the north
type of community that is outside the city and has towns that are smaller than cities
rural community
is a statement of rules that Congress wants to become a law
what is a bill
saved multiple things from the White House including a painting of George Washington
results of the peace treaty
it put everything back to the way it was, European countries began to respect America
grew crops on their farms and plantations
What is an urban community
means to refuse a bill
what is a veto
helped write the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and encouraged people to accept them (fourth president of the United States)
who is James Madison
guarded the harbor of Baltimore
What is Fort McHenry
wanted low tariffs
includes many people, jobs, buildings, and many kinds of transportation
urban community
created by Congress to be a permanent solution to the slave problem; Maine became a free state and Missouri became a slave State
what is the Missouri Compromise
fifth president of the United States
what are the three reasons why America wanted to defeat the British in Canada
Canada was a powerful British colony, Americans hoped Canadians would join them, Americans thought they wanted freedom
wanted high tariffs
includes houses that are further apart, smaller than cities, and now has schools, churches and stores
a change to the Constitution
who created the American System Plan that included a national bank, a tariff, and better transportation
Who is James Madison
why did the US go to war with great britain in 1812
they were capturing sailors, the British supplied weapons to the Indians, and Britain acted liked they owned America
did not want slavery to end and believed it was necessary
the south