On an August Day
North Carolina
Colorful History

Augustus effectively became the first emperor of Rome in this year, after defeating rivals Marc Antony and Cleopatra at the Battle of Actium. Marcus Agrippa helped!

31 BC


This infamous pirate, captain of the Queen Anne’s Revenge, made quite a name for himself off the coast of North Carolina. He met his end near Ocracoke in 1718.

Edward "Blackbeard" Teach


Although "history" may refer to the past in its entirety, history as an academic discipline begins with the advent of this.



During the American Revolution, this trusted major general of George Washington infamously defected to the British. His name has become synonymous with treason and betrayal.  

Benedict Arnold


Among ancient Mediterranean civilizations, this color dye came to be associated with royalty due to the expensive and labor-intensive process required to harvest it.



Augustus fashioned himself as this, rather than “king” or “emperor.” He also claimed to have “restored the laws and customs” of the Republic.

Princeps; "first man"


This 75th Governor of North Carolina was considered as a possible running mate for Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris, but withdrew amid concerns about his Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson.

Roy Cooper


This term, which refers to the "history of history," denotes the study of differing historical interpretations over time.



This German philosopher, a colleague of Karl Marx, helped formulate the theory of historical materialism and called for a global revolution of the proletariat. 

Friedrich Engels


First visiting Europe in the 500s AD, at which point is was called the "plague of Justinian," this exceedingly lethal disease returned in the 1300s.

Black Death


A physical symbol of the Pax Romana, this late 1st century BC monument is adorned with images of Roman abundance and prosperity under Augustus.

Ara Pacis Augustae; “Altar of Augustan Peace”


North Carolina has had several historical nicknames, including this one, which compared the at the time undeveloped state to the titular character of a Washington Irving classic.

Rip Van Winkle State


Many analyses of the past reflect this top-down approach, which overemphasizes the actions of individuals (usually political leaders) in determining the course of history.

Great Man Theory


At the age of 17, this Pakistani woman became the youngest-ever recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize. She is known for her human rights activism, particularly her advocacy for the education of women.

Malala Yousafzai


During the Russian Civil War, the Reds fought against this other main faction, a loose confederation of anti-communist forces.

The Whites; the White Army


This ancient author of The Lives of the Caesars, a collection of biographies on Rome’s first twelve emperors, painted Augustus as a model ruler whose successors paled in comparison.

Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus


In 1971, Charlotte became the focus of national attention after a landmark Supreme Court decision unanimously upheld these programs, designed to expedite racial integration of public schools.

Busing programs


The philosophy of history is often divided between these two competing views of time, each with implications for the interpretation of historical patterns.

Cyclical and linear


Cuban revolutionaries Fidel and Raul Castro were inspired by the writings of this man, a poet and philosopher who died fighting for Cuba's independence from Spain.

Jose Marti


This event, an eruption of social tensions following WWI, was characterized by labor unrest, communist paranoia, white supremacist terrorism, and racial riots across the United States.

Red Summer


Augustus’ approach to government has been associated with this humorous adage, which emphasizes the importance of balancing urgency and diligence.

Festina lente; “make haste slowly”


In a remarkable story, this North Carolina man escaped from slavery, served as a Union spy during the Civil War, campaigned for racial equality, and was elected to the state senate all before dying mysteriously in 1870, likely from poisoning. 

Abraham Galloway


As an historian, it is important to avoid this logical fallacy in which past events are seen as leading to an inevitable conclusion.



Writing in 1854, this outspoken abolitionist and president of the American Anti-Slavery Society described the U.S. Constitution as "a Covenant with Death, an Agreement with Hell." 

William Lloyd Garrison


This Chinese peasant revolt destabilized the imperial court of the Han Dynasty, paving the way for warlord dominance during the Three Kingdoms period.

Yellow Turban Rebellion
