oops! all vikings
Workers of the World Unite!
Historical Films
Indigenous Peoples
Power of Fashion
Very few Viking warriors helmets have been discovered but despite popular belief they never were adorned with this. 
What is Horns? 

In 1848 the Communist Manifesto was published by these two German political philosophers. 

Who is Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx? 


In 2020 Disney produced a film based on this popular 2015 musical on the life of the founding father on the $10 bill. 

What is Hamilton? 


A member of the Patuxet tribe off Cape Cod Bay, he was kidnapped by the English 1614 but managed his escape back home in 1619. His knowledge of English made him famous for his dealings with the Mayflower Settlers. 

Who is Squanto or Tisquantum? 


If you could afford it, shaving your head and wearing this in the 18th century was a good way to avoid getting head lice. 

What are Powder Wigs? 

The first Viking raid recorded in English history occurred here in 793. 

What is Lindisfarne? 


Contrary to its name, the Bolshevik Coup d'etat that led to the overthrow of the Tsar Nicholas II and end of the Romanov dynasty occurred in March. 

What is the February Revolution?


Often considered Steven Spielberg's magnum opus. This film memorialized the work of a German factory owner to save thousands of Jews from the Holocaust.

What is Schindler's List? 


Just a teenger, she used her knowledge of the landscape to guide English explorers Lewis and Clark thousands of miles to the Pacific Ocean

Who is Sacagawea? 


King Louis XIV of France popularized this footwear in order to elevate himself physically above the people around him. 

What are heels? 

Viking and Norse sailors are credited with creating with this innovation in maritime technology which helped stabilize ships during sailing and allowed them to cross open oceans.

What is the keel? 


In response to the Western Bloc's establishment of NATO in 1949, the Eastern Bloc signed their own defensive pact in 1955 as a counterbalance. 

What is the Warsaw Pact? 


Despite Ridley Scott's interpretation of history, this French military general with a film of the same name never shot at the Pyramids. 

What is Napoleon?


A member of the Sac and Fox nation, he was the first Native American to win an Olympic gold medal for the United States. 

Who is Jim Thorpe?


Inspired by French Resistance fighters, the Black Panther Movement donned this cap as part of their uniform to symbolize unity and revolution. 

What are Black Berets? 


Discovered in Central Sweden this archeological site may reveal evidence of female warriors in Viking Society. 

What is Birka Gravesite? 


Nicknamed Uncle he led the Vietnamese Communist Party in revolution against the French Colonial government and defeated the American and South Vietnamese Coalition to become Vietnam's first president. 

Who is Ho Chi Minh? 


The lives of three brilliant African American mathematicians: Katherine Goble Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan, Mary Jackson who worked at Nasa during the Space Race was commemorated in this 2016 film. 

What is Hidden Figures? 


Pre-Colonial and legendary cofounder of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy.  

Who is Hiawatha? 


Charlotte Reid battled for dress equality as she was the first woman to wear this article of clothing on the House floor in 1969. In 1993 Carol Moseley-Braun became the first woman to wear it in the Senate.

What are pants? 

This Icelandic poet, politician, and author, compiled the Prose Edda, a major source of what we know of Norse mythology today?
Who is Snori Sturluson? 
In 1994 this far-left militant group led an anti-imperial rebellion against the Mexican government and have successfully established a foothold in the Southernmost State of Chiapas. 

What is Zapatistas? 


Based on a novel by Erich Maria Remarque, this anti war epic has been reproduced time and again over a ninety-two year period. With the first version in German released by Netflix in 2022

What is All Quiet on the Western Front? 


The Sachem of the Pocasset tribe during King Philip's War in the 1670s, she led hundreds of warriors in raiding English settlements across New England. 

Who is Weetamo? 


Shogunate Japan was infamous for its strict regulation of the types of clothes each social class could wear. In the 17th century wealthy merchants could purchase finer clothes but only Samurai were allowed to carry these to distinguish their class superiority. 

What are swords? 
