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In addition to his observations in and around the Galapagos Islands, this scientists made important observations about the formation of coral reefs

Who is Charles Darwin?


This admiral worked his way up the ranks in the British navy and insisted on personal hygiene and health for all his sailors

Who is Captain James Cook? 


This voyage left Britain with the goal of sailing to the South Pole and then crossing it on foot

What is the HMS Endurance? 


This term refers to sailing for a specific purpose 

What is voyaging?


This person is credited with ordering the destruction of the Library at Alexandria

Who is Julius Caesar?


This man invented modern submarines 

Who is John Holland?


This nation was widely traveled during the 1400s but did not ever leave people to establish colonies

Who are the Chinese sailors?


Walsch and Piccard took this vessel in the first manned voyaged to the Mariana Trench

What is the US Trieste? 


Briefly describe the significance of the lateen sail

What is 'the lateen sale revolutionized sea travel by improving navigation abilities and seaworthiness of vessels, especially in deeper water far away form land?' 


These are two non-marine contributions of the Phoenicians

What is 1) the modern Phoenician alphabet and 2) being known as the 'purple people' who dyed the robes and textiles of royalty throughout the Mediterranean?


These early voyagers came from modern-day Syria and sailed from the Mediterranean south to Africa and North the Britain 

Who are the Phoenicians?


List three unique ways that Vikings voyaged across the northern Atlantic

What is 1) oral traditions and storytelling, 2) using environmental cues (animals, land masses, bird calls) to navigate, and 3) their superior shipbuilding skills?


Under this Portuguese captain, a voyage set out to circumnavigate the globe

Who was Ferdinand Magellan? 


This is what the acronym 'SCUBA' stands for

What is 'self-contained underwater breathing apparatus?' 


In your own words, explain the concept behind the 'Gift of the Nile'

What is 'the civilizations that developed along the Nile river were at an automatic advantage because they could use the Nile 1) as a means of transportation, 2) as a source of irrigation to open up fertile farmlands, and 3) to eventually connect the Mediterranean with the Indian ocean?' 


List three major contributions of Herodotus (ca 450 BCE)

What is 1) developed an accurate map of the Mediterranean, 2) published many of his observations of tidal patterns, and 3) was the first person to use the term 'Atlantic' to refer to the western seas?


These two scientists were the leaders of the HMS Challenger voyage and the authors of the published information and data from this voyate

Who were John Murray and Charles Wyville Thomson? 


In your own words, explain the significance of the HMS Challenger 

What is 'this was the first major vessel and voyage with the sole purpose of collecting scientific data; ship was outfitted with chemistry labs and trawling nets and sailed every major ocean?' 


This person is famous for uniting Europe and India by sea

Who is Vasco de Gama? 


This is how the destruction of the library at Alexandria affected the world's knowledge of voyaging and the oceans?

What is 'the destruction of the library destroyed the 'clearinghouse of information' that was available to sailors; this had major negative effects on the safety of voyaging and trading?' 


In your own words, describe the significance of the development of the AquaLung/SCUBA technology

What is 'this technology captivated the public and helped to push marine biology into the mainstream and put many new eyes on the new field of marine science?' 


In your own words, explain the significance of the Library at Alexandria to marine science

What is 'this was considered the first university and the first; a repository for the world's knowledge at the time including the world's oceans; contained information on nations, trade, natural wonders, artistic achievements, tourism sites, and investment opportunities?'


This is why James Cook/the HMS Endeavor are widely considered to be the 'Father of Oceanography'

What is 'because the HMS Endeavor always had a botanist and astronomer on board and were recording and interpreting data on natural history, anthropology, and oceanography?' 


In your own words, describe the contributions of Benjamin Franklin to marine science

What is 'he played an important role in mapping the eastern seaboard of N. America and he was the first person to chart the Gulf Stream?' 


This 'father of marine biology' wrote a lot about his observations of land and sea, including describing many different species of marine invertebrates

Who is Aristotle? 
