Gilded Age & Progressive Era
Imperialism and WW1
1920's and Great Depression
Cold War

What are monopolies?

Business that control all of a market, leading to a lack of competition, higher prices, and lower quality


What is imperialism?

When a stronger country takes control of a smaller country, by force or through economic control


What is credit? How does it impact the US?

Credit is buying an item by borrowing money and paying in incremental payments (i.e monthly payments). This leads to many business and Americans going into debt and boosts consumerism in the US


Who are the Allies in WW2? Who are the axis powers?

Allies- US, Great Britain, Soviet Union

Axis- Germany, Italy, Japan


What is Domino Theory?

If one falls, they all fall to Communism


Who were the muckrakers? Name one example

Journalists who pointed out the issues present in Industrial America. Ex. Ida Tarbell, Lincoln Steffens, Jacob Riis, Ida B Wells, Upton Sinclair


What lands did the US take control of after the Spanish-American War?

Guam, Puerto Rico, Philippines, Teller Amendment gives US right to intervene in Cuba

Name three causes of the Great Depression

Hawley-Smoot Tarriff


Overuse of credit

Crash of the Stock Market

Wealth inequality


What is totalitarianism? Why do European countries turn to totalitarian leaders?

Total control over all aspects of the government. European countries in desperate economic situations and with high nationalism turn to powerful, singular rulers that promise to solve the issues.


What is Containment? Name one example of US actions following the policy of containment.

Stop the spread of Communism. Marshall Plan, Truman Doctrine, Korean War, Vietnam War, Berlin Airlift, etc.


What was Teddy Roosevelt's Square Deal? Hint: Three C's

Conservation of Resources

Consumer Protection

Control of Corporations


What are the MAIN causes of WW1?

Militarism, Imperialism, Alliances, and Nationalism


What was Prohibition? How does it change the US?

Alcohol was made illegal. Americans began to make their own liquor, bootleggers would sell it illegally, and a criminal black market was created


What is island hopping? What theater of war is it used in?

The strategy of attacking the weakest islands that Japan controls first in order to reestablish a foothold in the Pacific and slowly weaken the Japanese front. Pacific Theater


What is the battle that shifted US opinion on the Vietnam War? How did college students react?

Tet Offensive- College students would protest including at Kent State where students were protesting the bombing of Cambodia


What was the 19th Amendment? Why is Tennessee the Perfect 36th?

Gave women the right to vote. Tennessee was the last state to ratify the amendment.


What leads to the way WW1 is fought to change? How do soldiers respond?

New inventions like tanks and machine guns

Soldiers uses trench warfare to avoid these weapons


What is the New Deal? Name two programs and their impact.

The New Deal was FDR's plan to get the US out of the Great Depression. He heavily increased the power of the federal government and created a limited welfare state. Programs may vary


What leads the US into WW2? After this event, what actions does the US government take on the homefront?

Pearl Harbor- Japanese Internment


What was the goal of HUAC (House Unamerican Activities Committee)?

They were seeking communists within the United States, sometimes destroying the reputation of Americans that were not involved with the Soviet Union


How did Party Bosses gain political power? What did they do with this power?

They would pay poll taxes, give bribes, feed and house immigrants in order to gain their vote. Once they controlled the vote, they would force those in office to do their bidding.


Explain the differences between Big Stick Diplomacy, Dollar Diplomacy, and Moral Diplomacy?

Big Stick- use military force to intimidate and control nations seen as problematic

Dollar- defend American material/economic interests in other nations

Moral- encourage democratic ideals in neighboring countries


What are some of the pushbacks FDR gets as president?

He is accused of socialism and spending too much government money. He is hammered for his attempt to illegally pack the Supreme Court. He is said to be attempting to become a dictator. He is accused of increasing taxes to highly on the wealthy.


Why does the US drop the atomic bomb? What was the alternative?

The US lost so many lives in the battles of Iwo Jima and Okinawa that they did not want to loose over 1 million lives by attacking the Japanese mainland. 


How did the Cold War end?

Policies of detente, SALT, INF Agreements all led to better relations between the US and the USSR. After spending too much money on the Arms Race, Space Race, and the war in Afghanistan, the USSR crumbled and ended the Cold War.
