Lesson #1
Lesson #2
Lesson #3
Lesson #4/5
5Ws & HS

What is a Cold War and what does Mutually Assured Destruction mean?

Cold War: War fought in every way except direct armed conflict.

Mutually Assured Destruction: The mutual use of nuclear weapons could destroy both sides.


What were the 3 Giant Projects for a Giant Land? What was the Teenage Culture? 

Giants Projects for a Giant Land: Trans-Canada Highway, Trans-Canada pipeline, and St. Lawrence seaway.  

The Teenage culture was about Rock n' Roll. Boys wore longer hair and girls wore shorter skirts. 


Who was the Front de Liberation du Quebec and what did they want to achieve? 

They were a militant Quebec Independence Movement. They used terrorism to achieve an independent and socialist Quebec. 


What was the 60s Scoop? 

The mass forced removal of Indigenous children into the child welfare system to assimilate their cultures. 


Baby Boomers 

Who: Canadians 

Where: Canada 

When: 1946-1961

What: Families celebrated the end of WW2 by having many babies. 

HS: Over 6 million babies were born, changing the Canadian population. This also impacted future trends and development. 


What was the Iron Curtain and the Duck & Cover strategy? 

Iron Curtain: The division between Eastern communist Europe and Western democratic Europe.  

Duck & Cover: A strategy taught in schools to minimize the impacts of nuclear attacks. Students were taught to duck under anything and cover their faces and heads. 


Who wanted the idea of Multiculturalism and why? What did the Rise of Suburbs mean? 

The Idea of Multiculturalism: Multiculturalism became the official policy of Pierre Trudeau on October 8, 1971. It was a way to ensure cultural freedom. 

The Rise of Suburbs: National trend of urbanization which included cheaper & larger properties and lookalike homes


Who was Rene Levesque & Parti Quebecois. What were the Bill 22 & Bill 101? 

Parti Quebecois was a nationalist political party in Quebec founded by Rene Levesque.

Bill 22 (1974): Made French the Official language of Quebec in several areas. Bill 101 (1977): Charter of the French Language ~ restricted the use of English. 


What did the Truth & Reconciliation Commission create and why? 

TRC created the 94 Calls to Action to acknowledge the experiences of Indigenous Peoples and to ensure that something like this cultural assimilation doesn't happen again. 



Who: Black Canadians 

Where: Halifax, Nova Scotia 

When: Early 1800s - 1970 

What: A black community with bad living conditions created due to the discrimination of Halifax residents.  The Halifax city council voted to demolish Africville for industrial development. 

HS: Africville residents were forcefully relocated from their homes. In 2010, the City of Halifax apologized and rebuilt Africville’s church as a museum to tell their story. 


What do NORAD & NATO stand for? 

NORAD: The North American Aerospace Defence Command 

NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization


Explain one of the events that occurred in Indigenous Activism (The National Indian Brotherhood, Diefenbaker’s Canadian Bill of Rights, Status Indians gain the federal vote, The White Paper, or The Red Paper). 

The National Indian Brotherhood: It consisted of Indigenous leaders across Canada who advocated Indigenous rights. 

Diefenbaker’s Canadian Bill of Rights: It meant equal rights for all Canadians and Indigenous Peoples couldn’t be denied democratic rights. 

Status Indians gain the federal vote: It meant that Indigenous Peoples could vote without losing their Indian status. 

The White Paper: It was created by the Government of Canada and was intended to abolish the Indian Act and Treaties. 

The Red Paper: It was created by the Indian Association of Alberta and outlined the demands of Indigenous activists. 


Explain one of the Attempts to Appease Quebec (Meech Lake Accord, Charlottetown Accord or Second Quebec Referendum). 

Meech Lake Accord (1987 - 1990): Declared Quebec distinct society. 

Charlottetown Accord (1992): Committed to Indigenous self-government and Quebec’s cultural distinction. 

Second Quebec Referendum (1995): The wave of separatism re-emerged after the failures of both accords. The “Non” campaign won with 50.56% 


The Oka Crisis (5Ws & HS)

Who: The Mohawk of Kanesatake and the people of Oka, Quebec 

Where: Kanesatake & Oka 

When: July 11, 1990 - September 26, 1990

What: A violent land dispute because the Oka town wanted to expand their land onto a Mohawk cemetery. 

HS: It led to the establishment of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples in 1991. It created awareness of land claims issues. 


The Gouzenko Affair 

Who: Igor Gouzenko, a Russian citizen, Canada, and the Soviet Union

Where: Canada 

When: 1945-1946

What: He proved that there was a Soviet spy ring within the Canadian government. 

HS: Canada learned about the spies before they could get information on their nuclear weapons. This helped Canadian citizens realize their new reality revolving around the Cold War. 


What did the Yalta Conference accomplish? 

After WW2, the victorious Allied Powers (U.S., Soviet Union, United Kingdom, and France) divided Germany into 4 occupation zones. 


Who were Lester B. Pearson & Pierre Elliot Trudeau? 

Lester B. Pearson (1963): Main Liberal rival to Diefenbaker, introduced Canada’s new flag, and modernized Canada by ending capital punishment and changing divorce laws. 

Pierre Elliot Trudeau (1968): He wanted multiculturalism and the Charter of Rights. 


How was the Language Debate attempted to be resolved? (Lester B. Pearson & Pierre Trudeau were involved)

1963-1969: The Royal Commission Bilingualism & Biculturalism created by Lester B. Pearson created the idea to make English and French official languages.

1969: The Official Languages Act passed by PM Pierre Trudeau made English and French the official languages of Canada.


The Quiet Revolution

Who: Jean Lesage, Quebec 

Where: Quebec, Canada

When: 1960-1966

What: The Quiet Revolution was when Francophones wanted to take more charge in Quebec over the Anglophones. Lesage passed many laws to benefit the Francophones. 

HS: Francophones gained a new pride and called themselves Quebecois instead of French-Canadians. This revolutionized Quebec politically, socially, and economically. 


Who resolved the Suez Crisis? Which countries were involved? What did Canada gain? 

Lester Pearson resolved the conflict between the U.S., Britain, and France against Egypt, and the Soviet Union. Canada gained a reputation as an impartial and peace-loving country. 


Who were Louis St. Laurent & John G. Diefenbaker? 

Louis St. Laurent "Uncle Louis": He expanded social welfare programs, made the Supreme Court of Canada the highest court of appeal, and allowed the Canadian Parliament to amend parts of its own Constitution without appealing to the British Parliament. 

John G. Diefenbaker “Dief the Chief": He was a passionate public speaker and populist leader. First PM from Western Canada (Saskatchewan). 


What was the Duplessis Era in Quebec? Which party did Duplessis lead? What did he establish and what impacts did he leave? 

Union Nationale was a political party led by Maurice Duplessis. 

He created the Department of Social Welfare, mandated school attendance (for students ages 6-14), increased the minimum wage, and adopted Quebec’s flag in 1948 (fleur-de-lis). 

Impacts: He suppressed French-Canadian possibilities for advancement. Quebec called him “La Grande Noirceur” (The Great Darkness/Ignorance). 


1982 Canada Act (5Ws & HS)

Who: Canadian government, Pierre Trudeau, and the Parliament of the United Kingdom

Where: Canada 

When: 1982

What: Pierre Trudeau wanted the Canadian constitution to be under its own control and wanted to add the Charter of Rights & Freedoms. 

HS: This finally allowed Canada to be independent and introduced Canada’s Charter of Rights & Freedoms. 


The October Crisis

Who: The Front de Liberation du Quebec (FLQ), Pierre Trudeau, James Cross, & Pierre Laporte 

Where: Quebec, Canada

When: October, 1970

What: FLQ kidnaps British Trade Commissioner James Cross and Quebec’s cabinet minister Pierre Laporte. 

HS: It was the first time the War Measures Act was invoked during no war. The last time WMA was invoked. Pierre Laporte died. 
