security challenges

When did we merge with malaysia?

16 september 1963


Name one internal opposition to merger

The Barisan Sosialis


Explain how the common market was one reason behind separation

Tunku was supposed to set up a common market after the merger, but there was a delay. Tariffs continued to be imposed on Singapore goods and we were unable to increase our sales s promised 


How did the 1964 Elections worsen tensions between UMNO and PAP

PAP participated in the 1964 federal elections and won one seat, meaning that PAP was the leading opposition party in the federal parliament. UMNO was very upset, further straining their relationship. UMNO even started an anti-PAP campaign, spreading rumors about PAP to spoil their reputation.


Give one political reason for merger

Merger was a means of gaining independence from colonial rule as it could convince the British that we could maintain our political security. Malaya had successfully contained communist insurgents and had a strong central government which could help SG suppress communism. 


Identify two main aspects of PAP’s Campaign against BS

Radio talks and 1962 Referendum


Explain how the revenue contribution was another reason behind separation

The federal government threatened to increase SG’s contributions to 60%, placing unfair and enormous economic pressure on SG. SG refused and the federal government decided to shut down the bank of china in singapore, affecting our trade with china.


How did the 1964 Race Riots start

During the celebration of Prophet Muhammad’s birthday in July 1964, there was a clash between Chinese policemen and Malay participants. It turned into full-blown race riots. Consequences: 23 killed, 454 injured. This caused fear and suspicion between the Chinese and the Malays.

On 2 Sept 1964, the tensions did not go away. When a trishaw rider was murdered, the Malays believed the Chinese did it and escalated into another racial riot. (This time 13 people died and 106 people injured)


Give one economic reason for merger

Singapore entrepôt status was declining and a merger could set up a common market so tariffs on goods from Malaya are eliminated and we don’t have to worry about high prices, improving SG’s economy.


Explain why PAP had to work with the pro-Communist initially

Chinese community formed majority of 1959 elections electorate

Working with pro-Communist allowed them to gain popular support with Chinese 


Explain one political reason for separation

UMNO and PAP had different political ideologies. UMNO had communal ideals and wanted to give special rights and privileges to Malays while PAP supported multiracialism and equality among all races. 


What was the security impact of the British Military Withdrawal from Singapore

Singapore had relied on the British to defend it. The British withdrawal left SG undefended against external threats and made SG prone to attacks as we did not have the means to fill the gap left behind by the British with a large enough force to protect itself.


Give two reasons why Malaya initially opposed the merger

Tunku was afraid that the merger would make the Chinese the largest ethnic group, upsetting the racial imbalance of power in Malaya, making the Chinese a threat to UMNO’s political dominance. 

Tunku also feared that the merger would lead to the spread of left-wing activities throughout Malaya. 


Name any three key points of the Malaysia Agreement

  • Common Market established in stages
  • Singapore to provide $150 million loan
  • Singapore to collect its own revenue pay Federal Govt an agreed amount as taxes


What is the MSC and its campaign

It was a political alliance formed by PAP and other Malaysian political parties who opposed the UMNO-MCA-MIC Alliance. It campaigned for a “Malaysian Malaysia” where there was equal treatment for all regardless of race or religion


Name 4 initial problems

A small country with small population

Limited funds

No military background, experience and expertise to set up an armed force

Convincing people to accept NS

Only 3 years to build up an effective military force

Lack of training facilities and experience to set up sea and air forces


Give two reasons why Malaya agreed to the merger in the end

The problem of racial imbalance was addressed. By including Sabah and Sarawak in the merger, the Malays would still be the majority ethnic group, preventing the Chinese from overpowering Malays. 

Tunku also feared an independent, communist Singapore that could be used to spread communist ideas to Malaya. One Eng Guan won the Hong Lin By-Election, and the possibility of SG being taken over by the radical faction was becoming larger. 


Name 3 external oppositions to merger

Brunei, Philippines, Indonesia


How did the 1963 Elections increase tensions between UMNO and PAP

UMNO participated in the 1963 elections to win seats in Singapore’s legislative assembly even a father agreed to not interfere with elections. UMNO lost all their existing seats and was unhappy, starting the political rivalry between UMNO and PAP.


Explain the importance of NS in nation building

Because of NS, Singapore today has a sizeable force that can be mobilised to defend the country. National Serviceman form the bulk of SAF’s fighting force, contributing to Singapore’s peace and stablity. 


NS forms the foundation of Singapore’s national defence and remains critical to Singapore survival and success

+ It also creates a common experience, bringing together people of different races, religions and backgrounds
