Life of Jesus
4 B.C - 30 A.D
What were the 3 Jewish Factions and explanations?
*Sadduces- socially and economically upper class, no fate, man had no free will, must prove their lineage to Abraham, no angels, demon, devil, or other heavenly creatures, read the Torah, no afterlife
*Pharisees- middle class, man has free will, convert to Judaism only by a cleansing ceremony, soul is immortal, there are angels, demons, a devil, and other heavenly creatures, read the Torah and Mishnah
*Essenes- Saw the Jews as corrupt and immortal, man has no free will, isolate, new members repented and were baptized, wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls
After Clovis' death, his kingdom was treated like private property and was divided among his 4 sons, who were always in an argument, called the "do-nothing" kings
The Merovingians
Client king of Judea, ruled Rome, once he died, he gave his power to his 2 incompotent sons
Herod the Great
Any belief that contradicts the Orthodoxy
Edict of Milan
313 A.D
What were the Rashidun, Umayyad, and Abbasid Caliphates?
*Rashidun- based in Medina, established by Abu Bakr, conquered Arabia, most of Persia, Egypt, and North Africa
*Umayyad- established by the powerful Umayyah family, gained their wealth through the Arabian Cloth Trade, capitol was in Damascus
*Abbasid- marched against Marwah, wiped out the Umayyad family, establishe capital in Baghdad
Western Goths, conducted raids in Roman territory,were treated horribly by the Romans (i.e. sold their sons into slavery for stray dogs for food), made as a foederati, Alaric was the new king, made a full-scale assault on Rome, established a kingdom in Spain
The Visigoths
Went to Carthage to study rhetoric, drawn to the work of Cicero, heard a child's voice say,"Tolle, lege", dedicated his life to God and was baptized by Ambrose, well known for his writings on Christain theology and philosophy, ordained as Bishop of Hippo
Augustine of Hippo
Stories about Muhammad, not all Muslims follow it
St. Benedict found Monte Cassino
520 A.D
What were the Monastic vows and meanings?
*Poverty- gave away everything (Money, clothes, food, etc...)
*Chastity- lived alone with same gender, not allowed to talk to or look at opposite gender, no marriage
*Obedience- listened to the abbot/abbess, obeyed God and scripture
Based on the teachings of Arius, Jesus is subordinate to Heavenly Father
His 3 goals were to *1)restore the West *2)reform the law *3)build public works, married Theodora, made the "Corpus Julius Civilis", inherited a war with the Sassadnid Persian Empire, established a peace treaty for 11,000 gold pieces, drove out the Vandals, launched an attack on Ostrogothic Italy
Grammar is simplified, vocabulary is more diverse
Medieval Latin
Life of Muhammad
570- 632 A.D
What were the 5 Pillars and their meanings?
Shahada- Faith = "There is no god but Allah"
Salat- Prayer = Pray 5 times daily
Zakat- Charity = Give to those in need
Sawm- Fasting = Ramadan
Hajj- Pilgimage = Go to Mecca, go at least once
Drove the Native Celtics off the land, and established 7 distinct kingdoms, Northumbria was the most distinct
The Anglo-Saxons
lived in the country to get away from temptations, built the Monte Cassino, wrote his rule, lived in a cave where he was tempted by Satan, almost kill by having poison in his wine, made a Habit
St. Benedict
Trivium and Quadrivium qualities
*Trivium- grammar, rhetoric, and logic
*Quadrivium- arithmetic, astronomy, geology, and music
768-814 A.D
What were the Carolingian Administrations?
*Count of the Palace- Second in command, oversees all other palace staff and officials
*Chaplain- Head of Palace Clergy
*Chamberlain- The emperor's personal assistant, oversees the treasury
*Seneschal- Head of the Palace service staff, purchases foor and organizes the social events
*Constable- Head of the Royal Stables and palace security
A group of people who lived alone for religious beliefs
King of the Franks, son of Pepin the Short, Carolingian Renaissance happened, prioritized military conquest, conquered Aquatine, Lombard, and Saxony, crowned Holy Roman Emperor by Leo III
square building Muslims must pray towards, must travel there at least once in their lifetime