What is a Constitutional Monarchy?
A system of government in which a monarch shares power with a constitutionally organized government.
Example: The current British Royal family.
What were the positive/ negative effects of the 1 child policy in China?
Pros: Growth development (people got taller) and were met with more nutritonal needs.
Negative Effect:
This led to infant femicide.
This skewed the population ratio; because you need women to populate.
Who was the major activist for INDO- British independence?
How is HIV/AIDS spread?
Blood and Bodily Fluids
What is the RING OF FIRE and describe it? ( and no it's not a Johnny Cash song XD)
The Ring of Fire is a tectonic belt of volcanoes and earthquakes. It is about 40,000 km long and up to about 500 km wide, and surrounds most of the Pacific Ocean.
What is an Absolute Monarchy?
A form of monarchy in which the sovereign is the sole source of political power, unconstrained by constitutions, legislatures or other checks on their authority.
Example: King Henry Viii
What type of Government is China?
Since 1949, China has been ruled by the Communist Party of China, also known as the Chinese Communist Party or CCP.
What country had a dispute with India over the territory of Kashmir since 1947?
What area of Africa is most at risk of getting AIDS?
Sub Saharan Africa
What MT range does Mount Everest belong to?
The Himalayas
What is Direct Democracy?
forms of direct participation of citizens in democratic decision making.
Example: Ancient Athens, Greece.
Who was the founder of the Communist Party of China?
Mao Zedong
Why would residents of low-lying islands need to move?
Because of rising sea levels and their effects on flooding.
Why is there snow at the peak of MT. Kilimanjaro?
How were Gandhi and Nelson Mandela similar?
- both went to jail to fight for their causes
- both were lawyers
-both used nonviolent means for protesting
-both were from countries that had once been occupied under British rule.
What is a Republic?
is a state in which political power rests with the public through their representatives.
Example: The United States is a Republic.
What river is the Three Gorges Dam built on?
Yangstze River
What type of Government does India have? Why is it so special?
It's a Democratic Republic with a parliamentary form of government.
Who was the South African Activist who fought against Apartheid?
Nelson Mandela
Who was the only country to use a Nuclear weapon against Japan?
The United States
What is a dictatorship?
A form of government in which one person or a small group possesses absolute power without effective constitutional limitations.
Example: Adolf Hitler
Guess this Chinese company Game?
Genshin Impact.............
What problems does India face from Overpopulation?
-Limited amount of resources available
- Pollution
- Exposure to more diseases
This person was the richest in history and he was from Africa?
Mansa Musa
Describe the direction of the ocean currents as they move in the northern and southern hemispheres.
Bend the Surface current to the right.