Ancient History
Medieval History
Modern History
Okinawan History

This ancient civilization, known for its pyramids, hieroglyphics, and pharaohs, thrived along the Nile River.

What is Egypt?


This emperor, crowned by Pope Leo III on Christmas Day in the year 800, is often referred to as the "Father of Europe" for his role in uniting much of Western Europe.

Who is Charlemagne?


This navigator from Portugal, sailing under the Spanish flag, led the first expedition to circumnavigate the globe, although he was killed in the Philippines and did not complete the voyage himself.

Who is Ferdinand Magellan?


What is the capital of France?

What is Paris?


This kingdom, established in 1429, unified the Okinawa Islands under one rule.

What is the Ryukyu Kingdom?


This ancient Greek philosopher was the teacher of Alexander the Great and founded the Lyceum.

Who is Aristotle?


This city, home to the House of Wisdom, was a major center of learning and culture during the Abbasid Caliphate until its destruction by the Mongols in 1258.

What is Baghdad?


This city, which is the capital of modern Mexico, was known as Tenochtitlán before it was conquered by Hernán Cortés in 1521.

What is Mexico City?


Which famous structure in Italy is known for its unintended tilt?

What is the Leaning Tower of Pisa?


This form of martial art, developed in Okinawa, combines native fighting styles with Chinese influences.

What is Karate?


The Punic Wars were fought between Rome and this ancient city-state, famous for its general Hannibal.

What is Carthage?


This Chinese dynasty, ruling from 618 to 907, is known for its cultural and artistic achievements, including the flourishing of poetry and the expansion of the civil service exam.

What is the Tang Dynasty?


The Peace of Westphalia, signed in 1648, ended this devastating war in the Holy Roman Empire and marked a turning point in European religious and political history.

What is the Thirty Years' War?


What is the largest freshwater lake by volume in the world?

What is Lake Baikal?


This major World War II battle, lasting from April to June 1945, was one of the bloodiest in the Pacific theater and took place on Okinawa.

What is the Battle of Okinawa?


This ancient Mesopotamian empire, with its capital at Nineveh, was known for its fierce warriors and large library.

What is Assyria?


This West African emperor of the Mali Empire, renowned for his wealth, made a famous pilgrimage to Mecca in 1324, distributing gold along the way and establishing diplomatic ties with other Muslim states.

Who is Mansa Musa?


In 1857, this major uprising against the British East India Company occurred in India, leading to the end of the company's rule and the establishment of direct control by the British Crown.

What is the Sepoy Mutiny/Indian Rebellion of 1857?


Which two countries share the longest international border in the world?

What are the United States and Canada?


Following World War II, Okinawa was under the administration of this country until it was returned to Japan in 1972.

What is the United States?


This Persian king, known for his vast empire and tolerance of different cultures, initiated the construction of Persepolis.

Who is Darius?


This advanced civilization, centered in present-day Mexico, is known for its impressive architectural achievements, including the Pyramid of the Sun, and its complex social and religious structures before falling to Spanish conquistadors in 1521.

 What is the Aztec civilization?


In 1961, this Cold War event involved a failed invasion of Cuba by Cuban exiles sponsored by the United States, leading to a significant embarrassment for the Kennedy administration.

What is the Bay of Pigs Invasion?


What is the largest hot desert in the world?

What is the Sahara Desert?


During the 15th and 16th centuries, the Ryukyu Kingdom became a central hub in this kind of network, trading extensively with China, Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia.

What is a tributary trade network?
