The home country of Martin Luther, who in 1517 began the Protestant Reformation.
What is Germany?
In 1804, Napoleon was crowned Emperor of this country.
What is France?
In 1492, Christopher Columbus was funded by monarchs Queen Isabella I and King Ferdinand II of this country to explore to find a passage to the East Indies.
What is Spain?
In 1945, atomic bombs were dropped on these two cities.
What is Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan?
A church in this city in northern Italy is home to this masterpiece painted by Leonardo da Vinci which features Jesus and His disciples eating together.
What is Milan?
Where Saul had a memorable encounter with Jesus around 30AD.
What is Damascus (present-day Turkey).
In 1429, Joan of Arc and King Charles II led the French to defeat this country at the Seige of Orleans.
What is England?
In 1300, Marco Polo took the Silk Road to this country.
What is China?
In 1939, Hitler invaded this country which started WW2.
What is Poland?
This ancient stadium was used for chariot racing and mass entertainment events but is now an empty field.
What is the Circus Maximus?
Acts 17:22-24 describes Paul’s debate with philosophers at this location.
What is Mars Hill, Athens?
In 1332 BC, King Tut was pharaoh of this country.
What is Egypt?
In 1487, Portuguese navigator Bartolomeu Dias rounded the cape of this country.
What is South Africa?
In 1846, the US Congress declared war on this country. The war was later ended by the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.
What is Mexico?
This beautiful city is the birthplace of explorer Amerigo Vespucci In 1454.
What is Florence, Italy?
The country where Noah’s massive ark ended up after the waters receded.
What is Turkey?
From 1600 BC until 1046 BC, the Shang Dynasty ruled this country.
What is China?
Between 1804 & 1806, Clark and Lewis explored and mapped NW areas of this country.
What is the United States?
In 1989, the wall separating the east side from the west side of a major city of this country, fell.
What is Germany?
Construction on this amazing structure began in 27 BC and includes a great dome with a hole in the centre, a front porch of Corinthian columns supporting a gabled roof with a triangular pediment and massive 24 foot bronze doors.
What is the Pantheon?
In approximately 4 BC, an angel visited a young woman, as documented in Luke chapter 1, in this city.
What is Nazareth?
In 1947, this heavily populated country gained its independence from Great Britain.
What is India?
The home country of Samuel de Champlain, the founder of Quebec City.
What is France?
Legend has it, a large wooden horse was built here and used as a tool to enable the seige of this city.
What is Troy?
Also known as the Flavian Amphitheater, this grandiose structure includes Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian columns and was constructed between 70 and 72 AD during the reign of Vespasian.
What is the Colosseum?
What do all this places in this column have in common, Kian, Rylan, and Caeli? They are all places we will visit in May!!