What happened to the Balkan powder keg to start WW1
what is the assassination of archduke Franz Ferdinand
How did the government effect opinions of Canadians
what was propaganda
What was the treaty signed to end the war and when did the war end
what was the Treaty of Versailles and November 11 1918 at 11
who controlled most of Canadas industries
When was the Stock Market Crash?
October 28th,1929.
Who were the allies and who were the Entante
Entent: Britain, France, Russia
Allies: Germany, Austria Hungary, Otomans
who was the most important Canadian general during ww1
Who was Arthur Currie
what is a branch plant
A factory opened in Canada that's business is in another country
who ran a campaign against helping those effected by the depression at the time
Who was Arby Bennet
Who were the two Prime Ministers during the Depression?
R.B. Bennet and William King
Why did Canada originally join the war
What was stronger ties with Britain
Name 5 things women did to support the war effort
What is, being nurses, convince men to join, become factory workers, vote, buy victory bonds, make victory gardens, ration, join the red cross, donate.
How did king show Canadian independence (events)
What was the Halibut Treaty, Imperial conference, Chanek crisis, and King Byng affair
What was the dole
an amount of money and food given to those who needed it
Why did some people not want to apply for relief?
What was one of the reasons for unease between England and Germany (hint, trouble in the seas)
What was the German Navy
What battle was seen as Canadas Birth as a nation and what did Canada do
What was Vimmy Ridge and the capture of high priority territory with the use of a creeping barrage
What was the strike started by the OBU (one big union) and how did it end
What was the Winnipeg general strike and bloody Saturday
why did so many people go in to debt when the stock market crashed
what is investing on credit
Where did Canadians go for help during the Depression?
Men were eligible to go to relief camps, working for food, housing and medical care. The government also provided people with dole.
What is MAINE
Military, Alliance, Industrialization, Nationalism, Economic Rivalries.
Name all the main Canadian battles in order
what was Ypres, Somme, Vimy Ridge, Passchendaele.
what was the purpose and outcome of the Imperial Conference
What was the Balfour declaration handling Canadas foreign policy and limiting the governor generals ability
What was going on in the dustbowl
locusts and infertile land as well as bad climates caused crop shortage and starvation
What were the three main causes of the Depression?
Stock Market crash, lack of financial regulation by the government allowing for banks to extend too much credit, and people buying stocks on margin.