Acts & Treaties
Definitions & more!
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Mixed Bag
Guess the place....

The name of the treaties signed between First Nations and the  Canadian government to facilitate settlement of Western Canada. 

The Numbered Treaties


A method of ambushing troops used for some Battles during the NorthWest Rebellion

Guerilla Tactics


Name the military commander that Riel appointed during the North West Rebellion

Gabriel Dumont


The definition for "Crown Land" comes from a court ruling involving what incident: 

a) Jubilee Riots

b) St. Catharines Milling

c) Caraquet Incident

d) The Guibord Affair

b) St. Catharines Milling

Give all prime factors for: 


2, 3, 3, 3

Where is this: 

a) Denmark

b) Norway

c) Italy

d) Prague

a) Denmark


A treaty that set up rules around how the land purchased from the Hudson Bay Company was to be used (ie. how it would be divided/under what conditions it was given to settlers) 

Dominion Lands Act


When the Canadian government bought Rupert's Land, part of the agreement of sale included the Canadian government promising to do what... 

a) Over throw the provisional government.

b) Build a national railway.

c) Uphold British Laws and Recognize Aboriginal Land Titles.

d) Continue to allow fur trade with the U.S. 

c) Uphold British Laws and Recognize Aboriginal Land Titles.


Another name for a temporary government put in place until a permanent  one is established      

Provisional Government


This was part of a protest by Acadians against the education reform (public schools act) that was passed in New Brunswick.

a) Jubilee Riots

b) St. Catharines Milling

c) Caraquet Incident

d) The Guibord Affair

c) Caraquet incident


2 (all others are odd)


Where is this place: 

a) Spain

b) Finland

c) Argentina

d) Portugal

c) Argentina


The Indigenous peoples from the northern plains of the North-West Territories, the Cree and Assiniboine (among other tribes) became interested to negotiate a treaty with the government in 1871 to ensure the protection of their lands from settlers and surveyors.  Some of the selling points of the treaty were: 

* A medicine chest would be kept at the home of the Indian agent for use by the people. 

* The guarantee of assistance for famine or pestilence relief. 

However Chief Big Bear (and Poundmaker) initially refused to sign this treaty.  Name the treaty! 

Treaty 6


Suffrage means: 

a.    Having suffered from loss of land to the government.    

b.    Staying away from drinking alcohol.

c.    Law prohibiting the sale of alcohol.    

d.    The right to vote in political elections.

d) the right to vote in political elections


Name the event that was caused by a deal between JAM and this guy...

Pacific Scandal


The result of this event result in Quebec enacting a law which stated that the Catholic church officials had sole authority to determine whether a person could be buried in consecrated ground

Guibord Affair


10 - all others are multiples of 4


Which major city is this? 

a) Los Angeles

b) San Francisco

c) Mexico City

d) Vancouver

a) Los Angeles


The cancellation of this treaty brought economic crisis for the Maritime provinces...


9.    Crown land is:

a.    Land gifted by the Queen to the Canadian government

b.    Public land managed by the federal or provincial government that has not yet been sold for private ownership.

c.    Land owned by First Nations.   

d.    Land owned by the Metis.

b) Public land managed by the federal or provincial government that has not yet been sold for private ownership.


The name of people who were seeking gold during the gold rush



Between 1883-1884 Chief Big Bear refused to choose a new reserve location. What was the reason for his delay?

a. He was protesting the “No Work, No Food Policy

b.     He felt he would not get half of what the government promised since the reserve lands were so small 

c.     He was still convinced that a United Grand Reserve with Chief Poundmaker would protect his peoples’ interests

d.     Both b and c

d) both b and c


On Brooklyn 99, who won "Boyle Bingo" 

a) Amy

b) Jake

c) Gina

d) Terry

b) Jake


What country is this famous site found in? 

a) Egypt

b) France

c) Belgium

d) Poland

b) France

Which province passed the "Public Schools Act" under these circumstances: 

The Act abolished French as an official language in the province, and eliminated state funding for Catholic schools. This provoked a national controversy known as the <province name> school crisis, and led to a rise in French-Canadian nationalism



A word used to describe the way First Nations people lived.... ________ is for First Nations as sedentary is for Europeans.

a) spiritual

b) Catholic

c) powwow

d) nomadic

d) Nomadic - First Nations did not settle on the land and followed the Buffalo or moved in groups to different camping or fishing sites.  They had not concept of ownership of land in the European sense.


Name all the groups involved in the North West Rebellion:

  1. Metis and Britain
  1. Iroquois and the Canadian Government
  1. Metis, Assiniboine, Cree (other First Nations), and the Canadian government
  1. Metis and Louis Riel

c) Metis, Assiniboine, Cree (other First Nations), and the Canadian government


This was mainly a Cree uprising during the NorthWest Rebellion

a) Batoche

b) Cypress Hill Massacre

c) Cut Knife Hill

d) Frog Lake Massacre

d) Frog Lake Massacre


Which instrument did Amy, from Brooklyn 99, play in highschool? 

a) clarinet

b) french horn

c) bassoon

d) guitar

b) french horn


What is the name of this place? 

Vatican City


Which province with a Catholic minority passed an act that abolished Catholic funding for schools. (note: NOT CALLED THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS ACT!) 

New Brunswick
