What year was the National Association For Bilingual Education founded?
What case determined that under the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, the state does not have the right to deny a free public education to undocumented immigrant children?
Player v. Doe
Which 1968 act establishes federal policy for bilingual education for economically disadvantaged language minority students, allocates funds for innovative programs, and recognizes the unique educational disadvantages faced by non-English speaking students?
The Bilingual Education Act
Congress passes a law that prohibits Native Americans from being taught in their own languages in this year.
In this type of program, only English is spoken for most, if not all, subjects.
Which state was the first to pass a law allowing bilingual education in 1839?
About what case did the Federal Court write: "A denial of educational opportunities to a child in the first years of schooling is not justified by demonstrating that the educational program employed will teach the child English sooner than a program comprised of more extensive Spanish instruction."
Rios v. Reed
This 2001 act appropriates funds to states to improve the education of limited English proficient students by assisting children to learn English and meet challenging state academic content and student academic achievement standards.
No Child Left Behind Act
This 1906 act was Congress' first federal language law requiring that all immigrants seeking naturalization speak English.
Nationality Act
In this type of program students receive reading lessons in their first language, and ESL (English as a instruction is provided until they limit native language use.
In 1974, eight year old Kenny Lau sued what school district over their English only instruction?
San Fransisco School District
What suit lead to the iconic ruling that identical education does not constitute equal education with bilingual students?
Lau v. Nichols
Which 1965 act considered bilingual education essential for children and public education, and offered funding accordingly?
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
By 1923, this many states had laws mandating English-only instruction.
In this type of program, students are separated from other students to receive low enrollment English language instruction or reading lessons in their first language.
Pull out
Which 1870's St. Louis superintendent opened kindergartens taught in German, and fought for school to preserve the traditions of the students native country?
William Harris
When the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals found that Spanish surnamed students' achievement levels were below those of their Anglo counterparts in 1974, the court ordered which schools to implement a bilingual/bicultural curriculum, revise procedures for assessing achievement, and hire bilingual school personnel?
Portales Municipal Schools
This 1958 act provided aid to both public and private schools at all levels to advance the areas of science, math, and modern foreign languages and ESL programs.
National Defense Education Act
One year after this English-only proposition was implemented in California in 1998, only 7% of students who had participated in the program were considered fluent in the English language.
Proposition 227
Pull Out programs are also called ______ ______ programs.
sheltered English
Margarita P. Pinkos
Which case found the ruling that State Education Agencies are also required under EEOA to ensure that language minority student's educational needs are met?
Gomez v. Illinois
From the 1920's-1960's, English immersion or ___- __-____ policies are the dominant method of instruction of language minority students.
sink or swim
According to the 1889 Bennett Act (Wisconsin) and Edwards Act (Illinois), children ages eight to fourteen in both public and private schools must be instructed in English in what "three 'R's" in English?
reading, writing, and arithmetic
When instruction in both English and the student’s native language is provided, it is called a _____ program.