Science and Exploration
Political Change in Europe
The Age of Revolution
World War I
World War II
This time period was a series of events that led to the modern birth of science 

What is the scientific revolution 


What is the period of reason called, that shaped people's ideas about society and politics 

What is the Enlightenment 


Period of rapid growth in machine-made good was called 

What is the Industrial Revolution 

Define nationalism

What is devotion and loyalty to one's country 


What does it mean to be a dictator? 

What is a ruler of a country who has complete control 


Galileo published a book saying the sun was the center of the solar system, while this individual is best known for his work with gravity 

Who is Sir Issac Newton 


What are the three goals Europeans had during their time of reason? 

What is knowledge, freedom, and happiness 


With the increase of machine use, Richard Arkwright made this machine, which was able to make thread much quicker 

What is the water frame 


Who made up the Central Powers? Who made up the Allied Powers? 

Central- Austria-Hungary and Germany 

Allied- Serbia, Russia, Great Britain, and France 


How did the American economy help Europe in the 1920s? 

What is the booming American economy made loan money available to rebuild Europe 


These are three reasons why Europeans were so eager explore

riches, adventure, excitement, explore the unknown, religious reasons 


This philosopher thought the government should entail a contract between the citizens and the government and believed people had certain rights like, ____________, ___________, ____________

who is John Locke, and life, liberty, and property 


Who mostly worked in the factories, and what was factory work like?  

What is young women and children, and long, tiring, and dangerous 

Explain Trench warfare, why was it so effective? 

What is a style of warfare which each side fights from deep ditches, or trenches, dug into the ground 

It was effective because they were hard to attack, they were not in straight lines, and the soldiers could retreat when necessary 


What happened on D-Day, and when did it occur? 

What is The Allies landed on the beaches of Normandy, France 6, 1944


What was the land Columbus landed on and what was the land eventually called? 

What is the Bahamas, and the New World


How did the Declaration of Rights of Man and the Citizen respond to the problems that led to the French Revolution? 

What is it gave more rights and freedoms to the Third Estate and gave them a greater voice in the National Assembly and it made taxation fairer 


Define capitalism

What is a system where individuals own most businesses and resources and people can invest money in businesses in the hope of making a profit  


What does it mean to "go over the top"? 

What is climbing our of the trench and attacking by running toward enemy positions


What is the United Nations? 

What is an international peacekeeping organization 


Why did Spain become rich from its empire in the Americas more quickly than the other European countries that established colonies there? 

What is Spain found gold, which gave it great wealth and power; other nations grew more slowly through nature resources like wood and fur 

Name 3 of Napoleon's major achievements. 

What is created a French empire across Europe, restored order in France, created an efficient government and fairer tax system, a system of public education, and the French legal system known as Napoleonic code


Why was Great Britain an ideal setting for the beginning of the Industrial Revolution? 

What is it had all of the factors of production to produce goods and services including land, labor, and capital. It also had an existing demand for manufactured goods that came from its colonies and own population. 


What country did World War I affect the most? Support your opinion.

Answers may vary 

Why did Hitler feel as though he had the right kill the Jews? 

He felt the Nazis were superior race 
