The form a communication takes, such as newspapers, magazines, TV, radio and the internet, is this.
What is a medium?
This person is the first woman editor in the United States.
Who is Elizabeth Timothy?
What must radio and television stations be licensed?
To avoid conflict because of limited channels
The court decisions in 1983 established this.
What is students did not lose their rights to free expression merely because they attend school.
This is the act of collecting, writing (or filming) and distributing news to the public.
What is journalism?
What is the newspaper becomes a joke?
What types of sources are unreliable?
Unnamed and anonymous sources
Describe Tinker vs. Des Moines.
•1969, Students could express their opinions as long as they did not interfere with discipline or the rights of others
•This expanded the students’ free speech rights
The process followed by all media to provide information, influence thinking, incite action, and entertain is this.
What is mass communication?
Reporters keep this separate from the facts of the store.
What is their opinions?
What was the first regularly published newspaper in the colonies? It lasted from when to when?
Boston News-Letter, lasted from 1704- Revolutionary War
Describe Eisner vs. Stanford. What right did this give administrators?
•1970, Newspapers were deemed valuable educational tools
•This ruling was vague, and the 1969 case still took precedence
•It gave administration the right to restrict students free speech
This is when a published/broadcasted statement unjustly exposes someone to hatred, makes the person seem ridiculous, or games that persons reputation or earning power
What is libel?
Radio and television stations must be licensed because of this.
What is to avoid conflict because of limited channels?
What was the first newspaper printed in the American Colonies? When was it printed? Who published it?
Publick Occurances Foreign and Domestic, it was printed in 1690, and published by Benjamin Harris
Name and describe the three defences of libel.
What are...
•Best Defense: The accusation is true. If it is true, libel does not exist.
•Second Defense: Privilege. If the statement is part of public record, you can publish it without committing libel.
•Third Defense: Fair comment and criticism. Public figures can be criticized as long as there is no intention to harm them.
Describe the incident surrounding John Peter Zenger, and its impact on free speech.
•In 1734, John Peter Zenger’s newspaper, the New York Weekly Journal, published criticism of the British colonial governor
•Zenger was thrown in jail, and was tried in 1735
•He was found NOT GUILTY
•The trial laid the foundation for the First Amendment, which gave the right of free speech